What Is Seismic Facies Analysis? Input: Seismic Data (2D or 3D) Product: Prediction of Rock Types Sand within reservoir intervals Shale in overlying seal intervals & source intervals Seismic Stratigraphic Analysis Define key stratigraphic intervals Determine the rock types within each interval Seismic Sequence Analysis Seismic Facies Analysis SLIDE 1 The second part of stratigraphic interpretation focuses in on the prediction of rock types (lithofacies) within key sequences We start we either 2D or 3D seismic data We identify and map the major sequence boundaries using reflection terminations Then we perform what is referred to as seismic facies analysis Our goal is to predict where we have potential reservoirs capped by potential seals We may also want to identify regions that have good source rock potential Courtesy of ExxonMobil L 11 – Stratigraphic Analysis