SLMS 7th Grade Science Energy Effects Unit 10 How do Echoes Occur? Short Version
What Do You Know About Echoes…. …. In caves? …. In canyons? …. In long hallways? …. in fireworks displays? …. In tunnels? …. In museum echo chambers? …. In stair wells? Share your ideas.
THINK SQUAD - THINK FACTOR Part 2 THINK SQUAD - THINK FACTOR View the video 1 - 3:52 min. Describe the problem in your own words. Design a plan (experiment) that will solve the Hear Factor problem. Record your hypothesis. Record what you already know about the problem. Describe how can you test your hypothesis. Conduct you experiment. What is your conclusion?
WWTTSD What would the Think Squad Do? DISCUSS How did the Think Squad form their hypothesis? Apply the properties of sound and sound waves to the conclusion presented by the Think Squad. Complete your journal entry. Pages 45-47 Draw a cartoon that shows how sound waves reflect, showing an echo, and write a caption that explains how echoes are produced.