Chapter 2 Review
Vocabulary Caliph Umayyads Omar Khayyam Oasis Indonesia Ottoman Empire Sunnis Akbar Makkah Mosque
Merchants Transportation of Goods What are some unique things about the camel?
Makkah Why did it become such a big city?
How did Muhammad gain control of Makkah?
Why are the Quran and Sunna Important? Rules
Why were Arabs successful? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Success of the Ottoman Empire How were the subjects treated?
When the Mogul Empire Collapsed, who took control? Spices…. What empire came in and took over the trade?
How did Akbar Rule and what did it do? Production? Trade? Money?
What did Muslim Scholars due that is very important today? Roman’s work? Greek’s Work? The ancient texts…… Nero would have been a hero…?
Read over the Primary Document Through Judgment Day should prove a grand ordeal Handled, they say, by a short tempered judge, Yet never fear: good has the final word Nothing of Evil can proceed from Good. Omar Khayyam, The Rubaiyat Questions Why do some people say Judgment Day will be difficult? What did the poet believe would happen on Judgment Day? What is a Quatrain?
Be Prepared to answer this question What was Muhammad's message and why was it appealing? Use your book. Look in sections 2-1