Schedule 8:50-9 AM Homeroom 9:06-9:40 AM 1st period Note: Please do not pester your teachers about your first semester grades. They are not final in the gradebook and won’t be until later this week. You can do the math → (18 weeks grade x .8) + (Final Exam grade x .2)=Final Grade Ex: 18 weeks grade: 78 Final Exam grade: 86 (78 * .8) + (86* .2) = 62.4 + 17.2 = 79.6 80 in class
¡Bienvenidos! el 3 & 4 de enero
First Semester Grades I can tell you your first semester grades at the end of class. They will not be posted until the end of this week. The current grades in the gradebook are not your final grades in the course. Please do not pester your teachers about this. You can do the math → (18 weeks grade x .8) + (Final Exam grade x .2)=Final Grade
Classroom Stuff Fridays → Life Lessons/Culture Days/Make-Up Days Bean Bags Cell Phone Use (only when appropriate) Food (only if you can CLEAN UP & THROW AWAY YOUR TRASH OMG) Bring Supplies!!!!!!!!!!!!!! EVERY DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT IS JANUARY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Second Semester Grades Classwork: 25% Homework: 15%- CANNOT BE RETAKEN OR HANDED IN LATE Quizzes: 10% Projects: 10% Tests: 20%- CANNOT BE RETAKEN OR HANDED IN LATE Final Exam: 20%- CANNOT BE RETAKEN OR HANDED IN LATE
Classwork & Homework Classwork → Passports & other assignments from time to time IF YOU ARE ABSENT, GO TO Homework → Duolingo Duolingo will now be done on a weekly basis. You will need to complete 50 points every week due on Sunday at midnight. Here are the dates →
Quizzes, Tests, Finals, & projects Quizzes → 2-4 x/month Tests & Finals → Y’all know the drill! Projects → Choose any Latinx person. You need two components → Hand-drawn/hand-written page in Spanish with color component and basic information (10-12 sentences) about the person you chose. Use words and structures that you know. Typed page in English with three paragraphs: 1→ why you chose the person and what connections if any they have to your life; 2 → about the person & their background; 3 → what impact does this person have on the world & what do you admire about them?
Note: A master list of projects will be made Note: A master list of projects will be made. You must choose unique people (aka not the same ones as your friends) or you will have to redo your projects as I see fit. Project Info Excellent (25 points) Good (20 points) Okay (15 points) Poor (10 points) English: includes all components 3 paragraphs thoroughly addressed; typed 3 paragraphs addressed very well; typed 1-3 paragraphs addressed well; typed 1-3 paragraphs addressed poorly; not typed English: quality of writing None or very few errors in writing Some (2-4) errors in writing Several (5+) errors in writing Many (10+) errors in writing Spanish: quality of writing Some errors that don’t interfere with comprehension Several errors; some interfere with comprehension Many errors; interfere with comprehension; use of a translator Spanish: quality of project Colorful; best effort Some color; good effort Some color; okay effort No color; poor effort Due Dates → January 31 February 28 March 31 April 28
Resolutions Where are you now? Goals → 5 things you hope to achieve in 2017 (school, relationships, health, etc.) Behaviors → 5 things that have caused problems for you in the past (procrastinating, fighting, arguing, etc.) Attitudes → 5 things that have caused problems for you in the past (jealousy, self- doubt, impatience, etc.) From the list you made... Choose some of the most important topics and create 3 realistic resolutions for this year. Start with something you know you can do. For each resolution, write three steps you can take to achieve the final goal.