DON’T FORGET…PAY IN FULL FOR THE LIVE BIG MASTERMIND & GET THIS FREE! ☑ YES! I’m Ready to Get More Clients, Make More Money & JumpStart My Business Now! FIRST EVER JUMPSTART YOUR MARKETING® BOOK COMPILATION PROJECT! Become an AUTHOR with Jumpstart Publishing in 2018! - Join the Jumpstart Your “______” –->WHAT DO YOU HELP YOUR CLIENTS JUMPSTART? YOU Fill in the Blank with the thing YOU do with YOUR clients. Use this book as a MARKETING TOOL to get leads & grow your biz. Participation in compilation books like this run from $1,000 – $7,500! And usually with most of those you only get 1-10 books in hand when you’re done! You have to buy more immediately. I’ve personally paid up to $2,500 to be included in a compilation book and I’m in 3 of them total! They were a great way to add credibility to me and what I was doing early on in my business. The Jumpstart Your “-------------” Book INCLUDES THE FOLLOWING: 1000 word chapter per Author Picture and Bio Page included plus website URL Author listing and inclusion on Kat’s book sales page on Professional Copy Editor Experts will edit your chapter and sent to you for review Interior Layout and Cover Design professionally done for you! Professional publishing manager to hold your hand Worldwide eBook and print distribution to online booksellers, wholesalers, bookstores, Amazon, Kindle, ePub, libraries and more Hard Copy 7 Digital Format provided + Online 3D image of the book to put on your website Option to sell on your own site or refer to Kat’s site with small commission YOU GET 50 COPIES of the physical book with this package (Additional books approx. $5 ea) BONUS: BEST SELLER Marketing Campaign included BONUS: Book Promotion Conference Calls with Katrina Sawa & Publishing Expert Investment for the “Jumpstart Your ________” 2018 book is $1,500. As one of the first 10 authors, you can get in for just $750! Or 4 monthly payments of $200! DON’T FORGET…PAY IN FULL FOR THE LIVE BIG MASTERMIND & GET THIS FREE! Name:_______________________________________________Business Name:________________________________ Biz Phone: __________________________ Cell __________________________ Birthday _________________________ E-mail: ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Billing Address:_____________________________________________________________________________________ City: State: ZIP:_______________ Shipping Address if Different :_________________________________________________________________________ City: ___________________________________________________________State: ZIP:________________ Payment Method: ❑MC ❑Visa ❑Amex ❑Cash ❑Check (Checks for full amt only to K.Sawa Marketing) Total $________ Credit Card # __________________________________________ Exp Date _________________ VCode ____________ Name on Card ____________________________________ Signature ________________________________________ 3 day cancellation policy for any product or service. Katrina Sawa (916) 872-4000