3. COURSE Is another activity in CD that involves learning The planning for a course involves formal and non-formal ways. Normally it involves short-term courses.
Why course is becoming very popular today in community learning? i. Rapid growth of various of knowledge – both fields of technical and humanities. ii. An effective technique in disseminating and transferring knowledge, from k- centre – compared to other techniques such as mass media
iii. Increased level of education of the community members (e.g. In 1970, population in tertiary education was 1%, 2000, 15%). iv. Increased level of maturity among the community members.
Course is formulated in a structured manner - objectives, teaching methods, evaluation, all are arranged systematically and based on a specific theme or issue eg. * Motivation course for out-of school youth * Time management course for homemakers * Leisure activities for retirees To operationalise life-long learning To operationalise human capital concept
All government and NGO have their social responsibilities to educate communities through courses or community education - budget is allocated for training the community.
ICT helps speed up the process of transferring knowledge to community
4. Conference/Seminar/Forums A formal way to disseminate knowledge to community A very structured session - an issue presented, and another session for questions and answers
Involves subject-matter specialists, and a group of interested clients/ audience. Less effective compared to a course. But it is more effective to bring awareness. It takes from half a day to several days.
5. SKILLS DEMONSTRATION It is about a session where a certain skill is demonstrated to a group of audience by a community worker/community educator.
Take place at a community hall, or any other gathering place for the community such as office of a development agency in a locality, or place where the people work . Purposes: - to increase skills of audience - to increase interest and awareness
Conditions for conducting a skill demonstration: - choose a specific skill that is demonstratable for learning - Explain clearly the purpose - Must have appropriate samples (materials) to be used in the demonstration - Have practical exercise for the participation - Must have AVA to facilitate community learning.
E.g. of Skills Demonstration - Hydrophonic Project - Preparation of Balanced Diet - Treatment of Diseases for Prawns
6. Mass Media Divided into two: - Printed Media - Electronic media
Printed media: - Newspapers, magazines, bulletin, posters, flyer, pamplet.
Electronic media: - TV, radio, video, computer Effective in reaching a large audience Depends on the literacy of the community
Effective in giving awareness and creating interest for development in the community.
Distance learning for community uses heavily the mass media techniques Distance learning for community uses heavily the mass media techniques. E.g, as is being used by the University of Ramkhamhaeng in Bangkok, Thailand to educate their rural communities.
Other Activities Meetings and dialogues Visits by community to places of interest related to what is being learnt in the CD program.
- Community visits to Research eg. Hydrophonic Project – have visit to Sime Darby Commercial Farms, or visit to Cameron Highlands. - Community visits to Research Parks, or Research Institute s, University, etc