Correlation coefficient Spearmans Ranks Correlation coefficient
Don’t worry it’s not as bad as it looks! What is spearmans rank Spearman’s rank is a formula that is used to determine the correlation between two sets of data It is measured -1 and 1 (-1 = strong negative 0 = no correlation and +1 is strong positive) The formula is Don’t worry it’s not as bad as it looks!
Step 1 Collect and display your data on age and shoe size for the 10 people in a table like this
Step 2 Rank your data 1=your smallest number If the same number appears more than once take the average number between them and award each with that but count each one as itself
Stage 3 Find the difference (D) between the two ranks
Stage 4 square the differences to get rid of the negatives
Stage 5 Total the squared differences
Stage 6 Put the data into the formula
Stage 7 ∑d² = 70 6 x 70=420
Step 8 n = 10 10(10² - 1) 990
Stage 9 420 ÷ 990 = 0.424
Stage 10 1 - 0.424 = 0.567
What does this mean? Our result looks good but…… -1 1 1 Strong negative correlation Strong positive correlation No correlation
What does this mean? 5% level 1% level 0.567 is not high enough! - it looked good BUT…
Not a SIGNIFICANT result!!
Graph for a comparison……