A Strategy for Effectively Incorporating Source Information The Source Sandwich A Strategy for Effectively Incorporating Source Information
Parts of a Source Sandwich Paragraph: 1. Topic Sentence 2. Introductory Phrase 3. Source Slice(s) 4. Response (s) to Slice (s) 5. Concluding Sentence
Topic Sentence: Topic Sentence: The Top Bun of the Sandwich Identifies YOUR point: Some critics argue for an end to compulsory education.
Introductory Phrase: Introductory Phrase: Helps you avoid a plagiarism pickle. Introduces the source: For instance, according to Roger Sipher, (Sample Source Materials From: Purdue OWL Website)
You wanna piece of me? THE SOURCE It is essential to select an appropriately sized “slice” of source information.
How would you like your source prepared? Paraphrase Summary, Or Quotation? THE SOURCE How would you like your source prepared?
3. Source Slice Three Major Source Slice Types: a. Summarized Slice b. Paraphrased Slice c. Directly Quoted Slice
a. Source Summary Example summary: Roger Sipher makes his case for getting rid of compulsory-attendance laws in primary and secondary schools with six arguments. These fall into three groups—first that education is for those who want to learn and by including those that don't want to learn, everyone suffers. Second, that grades would be reflective of effort and elementary school teachers wouldn't feel compelled to pass failing students. Third, that schools would both save money and save face with the elimination of compulsory-attendance laws. Sample Source Materials From: Purdue OWL Website
b. Source Slice Paraphrase Example paraphrase: Roger Sipher concludes his essay by insisting that schools have failed to in their primary duty of education because they try to fill multiple social functions. Sample Source Materials From: Purdue OWL Website
c. Source Slice Direct Quote Example quotation: For instance, according to Roger Sipher, a solution to the perceived crisis of American education is to “abolish compulsory-attendance laws and allow only those who are committed to getting an education to attend" (Page#). Sample Source Materials From: Purdue OWL Website