Dawlish Warren Data presentation and analysis


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Presentation transcript:

Dawlish Warren Data presentation and analysis Coastal management and conflicting views at Dawlish Warren?

HIGH CONTROL FOR ANALYSIS Data presentation and analysis This involves: A thorough analysis of your data and graphs to provide a description of the key findings shown by the data; an explanation of the key findings. Up to 6 hours for data presentation and analysis. HIGH CONTROL FOR ANALYSIS 700 WORDS – (Explain how coastal management strategies used in your chosen area have taken conflicting views into account.?) Coastal management and conflicting views at Dawlish Warren?

Data presentation and analysis You can bring notes into the room but not prepared drafts. Make good use of your fieldwork booklet This section is written up under ‘exam conditions’. Explain how coastal management strategies used in your chosen area have taken conflicting views into account? You must write 700 words to describe and explain. You must make cross-reference to your graphs, charts, annotated images etc by quoting the figure number. (for example - See figure 6) Coastal management and conflicting views at Dawlish Warren?

Data presentation and analysis You need to write about: Take each of your 3 expected outcomes which you included in your introduction. Systematically go through each of your graphs, maps, field sketches and annotated diagrams. Describe what the data (graphs etc) tell or show you. Now use your knowledge to demonstrate your understanding by explaining your key findings. Examples are given on the next two slides. Coastal management and conflicting views at Dawlish Warren?

Data presentation and analysis Analysis of your data presentation [700 WORDS] You must label each of your maps, graphs, photos etc – FIGURE 1, 2, 3, 4 etc Describe the key findings shown by the data. For each map, graph etc simply describe in words what the data shows. EXAMPLE: The differences in the height of the sediment on either side (updrift and downdrift) of the groyne shows that long shore drift is not operating along this coastline. Coastal management and conflicting views at Dawlish Warren?

Data presentation and analysis Describe the key findings shown by the data. For each map, graph etc simply describe in words what the data shows. EXAMPLE: There are many types of coastal defences used at Dawlish Warren (see annotated photographs - fig ??). People have different views about these sea defences. Graphs ??? show that ……….. Coastal management and conflicting views at Dawlish Warren?

Explain the key findings shown by the data, graphs etc… Data presentation and analysis Explain the key findings shown by the data, graphs etc… EXAMPLE: The data shows that there is not more sediment on the updrift side of the groynes compared with the downdrift side. This is evidence that long shore drift is not occurring because…….. USE PHOTOS TO HELP EXPLAIN YOUR IDEAS! Coastal management and conflicting views at Dawlish Warren?

Explain the key findings. Data presentation and analysis Explain the key findings. EXAMPLE: The choice of sea defences at certain locations along the Dawlish Warren spit directly reflect how the land is used. At the proximal end the land use is directly linked to the tourist industry. Greater investment has been made here to protect the leisure activities such as the go carts and cafes. Coastal management and conflicting views at Dawlish Warren?

Data presentation and analysis Analysis of your data presentation [700 WORDS] You must label each of your maps, graphs, photos etc – FIGURE 1, 2, 3, 4 etc Keep a close eye on the number of words that use are using. If you are using your 700 words up rapidly for this section remember you can use annotations linked to photos, maps and graphs and these words are FREE DO NOT PUT LARGE SECTIONS OF TEXT IN ANNOTATION Remember to keep relating your analysis to the title: Show your data relates to your expected outcome which relates to the title below: Coastal management and conflicting views at Dawlish Warren?

Data presentation and analysis Mark Scheme Refer to the mark scheme to access as many marks as possible. They have used their knowledge and understanding to thoroughly describe and explain their evidence.” Coastal management and conflicting views at Dawlish Warren?