Welcome to mini-school 6C! Open House – August 24, 2017
The Teachers and Subjects ELA – Ms. Seifert & Mrs. Hill ELAB – Ms. Gegumis Math – Mrs. Tidwell and Mrs. DePaula Science – Mrs. Bowen Social studies – Mrs. Baskin Science and Social Studies Overflow – Ms. Cartmell
Homework/Grading Policy No grade of "0" will be assigned unless no work is submitted. Extra credit assignments are not offered. Bonus points on tests and assignments are allowable. Missing work at progress report time must be made up by the end of the week after such reports are sent home. No late work will be accepted during the last week of a grading period (a nine weeks). Grade Weighting: 40% tests 25% quizzes 15% CFA's (short assessments relating to essential learnings) 20% classwork/projects/practice
Daily Email Reminder Are you on the list? Students can be on the list, too! If you ever have a change in an email address, please let us know!
Clubs/Sports BMS has a variety of clubs and sports for your student to get involved in! You can look at the different options on Blackman Middle's webpage. All of the necessary forms for sports are found there for you to print as well.
Band Students can get involved musically with the school by either joining the band or choir. The band and choir will put on a winter and spring concert for all to enjoy.
Online Grades, Progress Reports, and Report Cards Make sure that you have your I-now password to look online and see your student's grades for each class. Each nine weeks your student will bring home a progress report and a report card. Both are to be signed by a parent or guardian and returned to the homeroom teacher. As stated in the grading policy that we went over earlier, students have one week to get any missing work turned in after a progress report has been sent home. Students are not allowed to turn in missing work the last week of a 9 weeks grading period.
Fundraisers This year, we are having Fall Festival. It is a day of fun with games, inflatables and food! The charge for an armband is $20. The checks are due to the office by September 1, 2017.
Cell Phone Usage and Behavior Students are not allowed to have their cell phones out in class unless they are specifically told by a teacher that it will be used as part of their instruction for the day. Students are allowed to have their phones out only before school, while waiting in the gym and during lunch. If we see their phone, even in their hand or laying on the desk, we will hold their phone until the end of the day. Occasionally, a teacher might allow phones in their room, but otherwise phones need to be OFF and out of site, preferably, in your locker .
Transportation and Absent Notes If there is ever a change in your child's transportation (for example, if your child is usually a car rider, but rides the bus home), you must write and sign a note to be given to the homeroom teacher. If a note is not received, your child must go home their usual way. If your child is absent, write a note or send in the doctor's note signed.
Locks and Lockers It is HIGHLY recommended that your student have a lock on his/her locker. Locks are only $1 to rent from the school/homeroom teacher. The locks will be collected at the end of the school year. If you student is asked to put his/her cell phone in the locker, and it does not have a lock on it, we are not responsible for anything. Please encourage students not to leave valuables (electronic devices, jewelry, wallets with money, expensive headphones, etc.) in their locker.
Reading Students MUST have a book to read with them at ALL times in any classroom.
Dress Code Shorts need to be longer than the longest finger when hands are relaxed straight down. This includes girl’s skirt and dress lengths. Sleeveless shirts must have material at least three- fingers width covering the shoulders. Jeans cannot have holes or tears above the knee. Undergarments should not be visible at any time.
Any questions? Contact Mrs. DePaula at DePaulaC@RCSchools.Net