The Business Register as a tool for multi source analyses 20th International Roundtable on Business Survey Frames 2007 in Germany Role of the Business Register in a future statistical system 23. October 2007 Roland Sturm Federal Statistical Office of Germany 05.12.2018
The New Business Register in the statistical production process dissemination of results conception phase data collection data processing analysis meta data business register 05.12.2018
? ? ? Present situation of business statistics survey 5 survey 1 05.12.2018
The new maxim for business statistics survey 3 survey 4 survey 5 survey 6 survey 2 administrative data 1 administrative data 3 administrative data 2 survey 1 05.12.2018
Units of the economic process group of companies tradesman shop holding company branch tax group establishment dealer local unit enterprise business enterprise group division firm taxpayer There are a lot of terms! Tasks of statistics: 1. Arranging and defining these terms 2. Statistical adaequation: which unit for which statistics in which function? 05.12.2018
Arranging terms holding tradesman local unit shop establishment Statistical units of the German business statistics Terms in “the world outside” holding tradesman local unit shop establishment business branch tax group enterprise firm company dealer division enterprise group group of companies taxpayer 05.12.2018
Units in the Business Register today: - enterprise - local unit in the future: legal unit establishment - enterprise group - enterprise - local unit administrative view statistical view 05.12.2018
Units Model of the New Business Register (“URS Neu”) enterprise group local unit economic unit establishment enterprise legal agency control Tax group holding 05.12.2018
Owerview of the data model of New Business Register “URS Neu” UG ID Group of companies UN ID enterprise else f, e or B10 – belongs to B07 - ownership B08 – tax group Common enterprise Complex enterprise C C C C RT ID Legal agency B03 - runs B01b – further legal unit WE ID Economic unit B09 – control else f, e or else f, e or C C Legal Agency, belonging to a group Legal Agency, independent of a group Economic unit.of the respons. legal unit Economic unit. of a further legal unit B02 - consists of else f, e or B01a – responsible legal unit Head of a group Member of a group NL ID establishment B04 - consists of ÖE ID local unit 05.12.2018
The statistical business register as an instrument for data combination 5 survey data of the statistical office register information about survey participation 2 administrative data in the business register core of business register 1 3 4 administrative data already used by the statistical office register unit Einzelblatt – zum ausdrucken und einfügen von Textteilen! statistical business register data available in the statistical office 05.12.2018
Data combination of a register unit 3 register information about survey participation 2 administrative data in the business register 1 business register core of survey data of the statistical office 4 5 administrative data Nummern beschriften - e.g. turnover - e.g. leasing - z.B. exports - e.g. legal form - e.g. turnover - e.g. investment - e.g. VAT - e.g. tax – ID - e.g. labour administration employees - business register ID - survey ID - e.g. turnover from survey e.g. labour administration ID 05.12.2018
( … ) accounting data of enterprises data of scientific institutions register information about survey participation administrative data data of chambers of commerce core of business register survey data of the statisticel office data of market research institutes administrative data administrative data in the business register administrative data administrative data already used by the statistical office local unit enterprise 2 enterprise 1 data available in the statistical office statistical business register 05.12.2018
core of business register The business register as an instrument for data combination Survey satellite core of business register Administration satellite survey 1 survey 2 servey 3 survey 4 enterprise local unit enterprise gorup tax BA IHK URS ID enterprise X ADMIN - ID 1 2 … local unit Y enterprise group Z plant URS ID farbig Admin tauschen URS ID – ADMin ID Kern Unternemen … 05.12.2018
Business register Survey Meta data Survey meta data additional … ID Survey administrative data ID Meta data ID annual tax data Survey ?????? meta data ID additional data source ?????? ?????? additional … 05.12.2018
v = variable e = enterprise v3 v2 v1 enterprise 1 05.12.2018
v = variable e = enterprise t = time t3 v3 v2 v1 t2 v3 v2 v1 t1 05.12.2018
survey 2 survey 1 administrative data 3 05.12.2018
survey 2 survey 1 administrative data 3 05.12.2018
survey 2 survey 1 administrative data 3 05.12.2018
Statistical approach of the new system Analysis of the information demand Analysis the “own” data available acquisition of available data of other sources combination of these data, imputation If necessary: Survey to close data gaps Preparing the statistical information 05.12.2018
The business register in the statistical production process Support of the conception phase of statistics evaluation of sources, adaequation, coherence Support of the generation of data sampling design, survey management, (micro-) data combination Support of the data processing data editing, harmonising of data, consistency of data Support of the analysis and presentation extrapolation, (macro-)combination of statistical results, census 05.12.2018
The New Business Register in the statistical production process dissemination of results conception phase data collection data processing analysis meta data business register 05.12.2018
Thank you for your attention Roland Sturm Federal Statistical Office of Germany email: 05.12.2018