RMgX and Rli Bond Type
Metal-Carbon Bond
Hydride Reagents
Bimolecular Elimination (E2) Steps
Nucleophilic Addition
Nucleophile Elimination Steps
Importance of Nucleophilic Addition and Nucleophile Elimination They can cause the number of bonds between two atoms of significantly different polarity to change, thus leading to reduction and oxidation reactions. Chapter 17 They allow two relatively large organic species to be joined to make one even larger organic species. Chapters 18 & 21 When nucleophilic addition and nucleophile elimination steps occur sequentially, substitution can take place at a polar π bond. Chapter 20 and 21
Hyperconjugation secondary can do 2x, tertiary can do 3x The increased stability of a carbocation as methyl or other groups are added to the C+ is due to hyperconjugation. Conjugation: p orbitals overlap. Hyperconjugation: sigma MO overlaps with p orbital. Coplanar but not parallel, so overlap not as good, stabilization not as much as normal conjugation. secondary can do 2x, tertiary can do 3x
Keto–Enol Tautomerization
Relative Percentages of Keto and Enol Forms
Keto–Enol Tautomerization continued…