Welcome to final class of not-for-profit management Dr Welcome to final class of not-for-profit management Dr. Satyendra Singh April 1, 2010
Objectives role and application of management in the activities of n/f organizations (and government) incorporation, boards, committees, etc. marketing can make n/f organizations more effective and more responsive to publics impact of n/f organizations on communities fund raising techniques and grant making sources select and justify the course of action
Course Outline
Course Outline term test on management aspects of n/f class participation Research-based group project group presentation live case study – field trip final exam on the whole book! + whiteboard, color pens, handouts, computer, current advertisements, journal articles, websites
Others reviewed/rapid feedback/main points extended office hours sensitive students needs clarity interesting/practical examples encouraged to speak visit to Winnipeg Humane Society fund raising software
Why do not-for-profit organizations exist?
Why do not-for-profit organizations exist? HI LO Democrats Corporatist Welfare Government Spending Statist Liberals (?) LO HI Not-profit activities
Understanding Consumer Behavior
Understanding Consumer Behavior… pre-contemplation information (internal/external), need arousal contemplation alternatives, evaluation (cost-benefit analysis) preparation initial behavior, situational factors maintenance continued behavior, reinforcement
Understanding Consumer Behavior cost/benefit analysis monetary quantifiable benefits attach $ value nonmonetary quantifiable benefits no of accidents, lives saved, more seat-belt wearers nonquantifiable benefits happiness, self-esteem others self-efficacy
Managing Volunteers
Managing Volunteers… why volunteers quit? unreal expectation lack of appreciative feedback lack of appropriate training feelings of second-class compare to full-time staff excessive demand on time lack of sense of personal accomplishments
Managing Volunteers… how to manage volunteers? volunteers are dilettantes, volunteers do not pay attention to training/instruction, volunteers may be already bosses, volunteers are well-to-do members so role of volunteers, confidentiality, hours, forthright, create value, team work, leaders at all levels, positive vision, missions and goals are clear
Managing Volunteers… recruiting board members material incentive: goods, service, money social incentives: intangible rewards, status, honor developmental incentives: new skills, civic responsibilities ideological incentives: helping is good help the community, believe in the agency’s mission, want to accomplish something, may be obligated by employer, want personal development, repaying the agencies
Fundraising sources of fundraising: foundations, government, individual gifts, revenues, tactics, online why people donate: believe in cause, tax benefit, respond to specific requests, moral input, family involvement, religious, family tradition, new wealth good proposal: cover letter, proposal with importance, budget, personnel with resumes proposal evaluation: track-record, quality of staff, measurable output, generalizability
Organizing for Implementation
Organizing for Implementation export department HO is located in a single country experts go from country to country multinational (multi-local) organization each country has its own local management coordination is managed at HO. global organization world as a single market universal strategies are applied everywhere
Launching New Offering
Launching New Offering relative advantage perceived to be superior to previous offering compatibility with culture, religion, day-to-day life, etc. complexity divisibility in part or all together communicability effectiveness of the offering, side effects, visibility, etc.
Time for Adoption of Innovations
Time for Adoption of Innovations innovators (2.5%) venturesome, take risk, cosmopolitan look early adopters (13.5%) respect, position in community, opinion leaders early majority (34%) may follow opinion leaders’ advices late majority (34%): general public laggards (16%): traditional reasons
Managing Perceived Costs
Managing Perceived Costs awkwardness: take time off from work aggravation: finding a taxi, parking embarrassment: explain to your colleague fear: to be seen by doctor, fear of failure worries: cost, time, pain, dress-up, cosmetics these costs will run through your mind
Social Marketing
Social Marketing benefit to the general society the behavior is socially desirable one time vs. continuing behavior change low involvement behavior change increase self-efficacy campaigns are important high involvement behavior change change in perception, values is required move to a point where benefits exceeds costs sufficient rewards to sticking to the behavior help individuals reward themselves
Public Relation Planning Process
Public Relation Planning Process identify the organization’s publics image and attitude of the publics cost-effective public relations strategies prepare for public relations crises choose specific public relations tools implement actions and evaluate results
And finally...
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