Dental Commissioning Capacity – What it means for me Wednesday 11 January 2017
Contexts : Efficiency savings need to be made across the NHS as a whole We need to make sure dental care is optimised by focusing on the health needs of the population ensuring care is delivered where it is needed providing services from the right place (i.e. primary/community and secondary) Keeping the horizon within our sights, e.g. five year forward view corporations, new contract, CCG and devolution as we move forward Call to action - A call to action was a programme of engagement that allowed everyone to contribute to the debate about the future of health and care provision in England. Most will recall the national stakeholder event held in 2014 The headings on the board were the findings from the next steps and although the five year forward view superseded the call to action, the objectives are being achieved, but more is needed. Throughout the day it is important that we consider when discussing the: Five year forward view – Changing landscape – increase in corporations – new contract due to be rolled out 2017 /18
Objectives of the Day To have: Engaged with yourselves to understand, from a provider perspective, what ‘good commissioning/contract management’ looks and feels like. Gain greater clarity and granulation in order to help create the true picture of how commissioning capacity may be enhanced: streamline where we can achieve quick wins if possible implement a long term solution that enables us to focus on the needs of the population
What does good monitoring and evaluation look like and how do we know when we have achieved it ? Where do you feel we can add best value to patients Do you feel we are able to achieve the above or are there barriers we need to move? What works well and need to keep and what do we need to do differently?
What does good service procurement look like and how do we know when we have achieved it ? Where do you feel we can add best value to patients Do you feel you are able to achieve the above or are there barriers we need to move? What works well and need to keep and what do we need to do differently?
Where do you feel we can add best value to patients What does good strategic planning look like and how do we know when we have achieved it ? Where do you feel we can add best value to patients Do you feel we are able to achieve the above or are there barriers we need to move? What works well and need to keep and what do we need to do differently? e.g. Assessing: Collect and analyse population level date Demographics, prevalence and incidence of conditions, morbidity, etc Prioritise the health needs of the population Consult with multiple stakeholders (PHE, providers, patients etc) Planning: The wishes and needs of the population Current services and performance Different population groups Opportunities for service transformation
THANK YOU FOR TAKING THE TIME FROM YOUR BUSY DAY THANK YOU FOR YOUR INVALUABLE INPUT!! HAVE A SAFE JOURNEY HOME Call to action - A call to action was a programme of engagement that allowed everyone to contribute to the debate about the future of health and care provision in England. Most will recall the national stakeholder event held in 2014 The headings on the board were the findings from the next steps and although the five year forward view superseded the call to action, the objectives are being achieved, but more is needed. Throughout the day it is important that we consider when discussing the: Five year forward view – Changing landscape – increase in corporations – new contract due to be rolled out 2017 /18