Role of Department Administrator Departments who pay foreign individuals will designate an employee in their office to serve as their GLACIER Administrator. The Administrator will be able to directly enter the foreign individuals into GLACIER. A standard will be sent from GLACIER to the foreign individual requesting they complete their GLACIER tax record. To set up Administrator access, send an to Kulvinder Johl and fax the Glacier access request form with the Admins name and employee number after completing this Administrator Training and Foreign National Training. Administrator will receive an from with their logon instructions (see next
Administrator sample Dear Jane Doe, You have just been set up with access to the GLACIER Online Tax Compliance System for University of California, Santa Cruz. For your convenience, you may access the GLACIER Online Tax Compliance System via the Internet from ANY web-accessed computer, from ANYWHERE in the world, and at ANY time of day or night! GLACIER Administrators access GLACIER in a different manner than do Foreign Nationals. If you wish to access GLACIER, please follow the instructions below: Click on the following web link: (Please note spelling) If the link does not automatically open, simply open your Internet Browser (preferably Internet Explorer) and enter the website address Click on "Client Login" at the top right corner of the screen. Enter your Assigned UserID: JDOEXXXX Enter your Assigned Password: JD8AZ476 PLEASE NOTE: The FIRST time you login, you will be prompted to enter your assigned UserID and Password. You must then select a NEW UserID and Password; the UserID and Password listed above is only temporary and should not be used after your FIRST login. Your UserID and Password each must be at least 8 characters; you may use any combination of letters or numbers, but do not use punctuation or spaces. Please be sure to remember your NEW UserID and Password as you will use it to access GLACIER when you need to login again. To ensure that your Client Database access remains secure, DO NOT SHARE YOUR UserID OR Password WITH ANYONE; DO NOT ALLOW ANY OTHER ADMIN TO USE YOUR UserID or Password. From the Client Portal, select the GLACIER Database you wish to access and click on "Access GLACIER Now". If you have any questions or need additional information about why you have been asked to use GLACIER, please contact Kulvinder Johl or
The Foreign National must access GLACIER and provide the requested information within 7 days of: The Foreign National must access GLACIER and provide the requested information within 7 days of: –Vendor providing service to the University, employee's appointment start date, or registered student receiving scholarship or fellowship. If the Foreign National does not provide the requested information within those 7 days, the maximum amount of U.S. tax may be withheld from any payments made to them. GLACIER will generate Tax Summary Report and required paper work for each individual based on data provided. GLACIER will generate Tax Summary Report and required paper work for each individual based on data provided. Completed paper work printed from GLACIER to be signed by the individual, and returned to the HR Admin. Completed paper work printed from GLACIER to be signed by the individual, and returned to the HR Admin.
For Employees: For Employees: –Signed paper work must be forwarded by the HR Admin along with other employment forms after entry into PPS to the Payroll Office. –Fill out and print a Foreign National Hiring Form and staple it on top of the completed non-resident alien payroll forms. –Fill out and print a Foreign National Hiring Form and staple it on top of the completed non-resident alien payroll forms. Foreign National Hiring FormForeign National Hiring Form This is critical so that the documents are properly routed within the Payroll Office. This is critical so that the documents are properly routed within the Payroll Office. –For further information regarding employee hiring process, refer to appropriate hiring guide on Financial Affairs website: For Vendors: For Vendors: –Signed paper work must be forwarded to the FAR Office. –For further information regarding vendor payment refer to appropriate payment guide on Financial Affairs website:
Annual Verification Process All Foreign National employees, employed in the United States are obligated to immediately inform the University of any change in status during the calendar year. All Foreign National employees, employed in the United States are obligated to immediately inform the University of any change in status during the calendar year. The Foreign National employee should log into the GLACIER system to update the status. GLACIER will generate the appropriate documentation, which should be forwarded directly to the Unit GLACIER Administrator. See GUIDE TO GLACIER FOR FOREIGN INDIVIDUALS for further information regarding GLACIER process. The Foreign National employee should log into the GLACIER system to update the status. GLACIER will generate the appropriate documentation, which should be forwarded directly to the Unit GLACIER Administrator. See GUIDE TO GLACIER FOR FOREIGN INDIVIDUALS for further information regarding GLACIER process. The Unit GLACIER Administrator should review documentation for change in status, and forward appropriate documentation to the Payroll Office Administrator. The Unit GLACIER Administrator should review documentation for change in status, and forward appropriate documentation to the Payroll Office Administrator.
Reminders about Access Principles: As a Glacier admin, you have access to more information than you have a business need to know. It is important to only use your access for legitimate University business that you have been explicitly authorized to perform. It is never OK to peruse or seek out information that you are not authorized to access, even if you are able to access it. If you have a legitimate business need for information you are not authorized to access, ask for assistance from someone who is. Also, never share sensitive or personal information with anyone who doesnt have a business need to know or is not authorized for the information.
Working with Restricted Data: Dont personal information, reports with SSN or TIN, passwords, or other restricted data. is not private or secure. Assume that anything you (including attachments) will become public. Minimize the amount of restricted data you store on your computer: Dont save documents, spreadsheets, or reports with SSNs, TINs, or other highly sensitive data elements to your computer. If you do, securely delete or destroy them when you are done with them securely delete or destroy them when you are done with them –Shred printouts –Securely delete documents from your computer On a Mac, use Secure Empty Trash from the Finder menu On a Mac, use Secure Empty Trash from the Finder menu On a PC, use free computer programs such as Eraser: On a PC, use free computer programs such as Eraser: make an appointment with ITS to get your computer checked out, just to be safe: 459-HELP, make an appointment with ITS to get your computer checked out, just to be safe: 459-HELP, Never save this data to a home computer or other non-UCSC computer. Minimize the amount of restricted data you distribute: Dont save SSNs, TINs, or other highly sensitive data elements in reports. If you must, remove them from the reports whenever possible before forwarding. Dont reports or attachments with SSN or TIN.
Passwords: All of the password guidance for Foreign Nationals, above, is required for admin passwords. Because admins have access to so much sensitive information, their passwords need to be extra secure. Admins shouldnt use their password or other low-security password for their Glacier admin account. Admins should never share their passwords. They should contact Kulvinder immediately if they think their password may have been revealed or compromised.
Terminating Accounts: Admin 2s and 3s: Notify Kulvinder immediately when you or someone in your unit no longer needs their Glacier admin account. Admin 1: Periodically audit all admin accounts to ensure continuing business need. Close old accounts.
Other Important Reminders to Help Keep Computers and Passwords Secure: Don't open attachments or click on website addresses in unexpected or unsolicited s Don't open attachments or click on website addresses in unexpected or unsolicited s Don't install unknown or unsolicited programs on your computer – especially ones sent via or instant message (IM) Don't install unknown or unsolicited programs on your computer – especially ones sent via or instant message (IM) Shut down, lock, log off, or put your computer to sleep before leaving it unattended, and make sure your computer requires a password to start up or wake-up. Shut down, lock, log off, or put your computer to sleep before leaving it unattended, and make sure your computer requires a password to start up or wake-up. – or on a PC; Apple menu or power button on a Mac –For added security, set your computer (or have it set) to automatically lock and go to screensaver after a period of inactivity (20 min max) If you use a laptop, secure it with a lockdown cable, even if you work in a secure area If you use a laptop, secure it with a lockdown cable, even if you work in a secure area Set up your workstation so that unauthorized people and passers-by cant see the information on your screen Set up your workstation so that unauthorized people and passers-by cant see the information on your screen
Required Security Training: Complete this security training at this link Complete this security training at this link
Next step: Complete Report online Training and Foreign National online training Next step: Complete Report online Training and Foreign National online training –Link for Report Training –Foreign National Training