Welcome to Women in Business!
Share one fun thing you did this weekend with your table! ICEBREAKER Share one fun thing you did this weekend with your table!
WIB Sweatshirts for Sale Small Medium Large Xlarge $10 for paid members $20 for nonpaid members
Seattle Site Visit November 13-15 Visting Amazon & Boeing Deadline to apply: TONIGHT 11:59pm
Holiday Social Tuesday, December 2nd, 6 pm – mark your calendars! Games, cookie decorating, holiday cheer
Rest of Fall Term Seattle Site Visit: Thursday, November 13th-Saturday, November 15th Next professional meeting: Enterprise Tuesday, November 18th, 6 pm, Lillis 245 Holiday social: games, cookie decorating Tuesday, December 2nd, 6 pm - Ana’s house Austin, TX Site Visit: Saturday, December 13th-Wednesday, December 17th
Sustainability Panel Welcome! Alyssa Lawless Shandy Buckley Kelly Hoell