Electric motor By: Peyton Timmermeyer Michael Faraday Electric motor By: Peyton Timmermeyer
Michael faraday-life Michael Faraday was born Thursday, 22 September 1791. He was born is a little village in London named Newington, Sussex. He grew up in west London. Michael died 25 August 1867
Religion Michael was strongly Christian. He worshiped in a small chapel four kilometers away.
School At 14 he was an apprentice for a bookbinder. Michael dropped out of school at 11. He read all the books he was going to bind and educated himself. His favorite subject was chemistry.
Work In 1830 he stopped his bookbinding job. When he quit his bookbinding job, he was asked to join a laboratory. He than became a laboratory assistant in 1813.
Major contributions He was the first person to discover how to liquefy chlorine. First person to invent the electric motor.
Family He was not married. Has no kids. Grew up in a family of 4. Had a mom and Dad
websites www.answersingenesis.org/articles/cm/v12/n4/farad ay http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Faraday http://scienceworld.wolfram.com/biography/Faraday. html http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/historic_figures/farada y_michael.shtml