January 3rd- School Reconvenes January 7th- Report Cards Sent Home Mrs. Ostendorf: 532-1883 Mrs. Gillam: 532-1884 Mrs. Delph: 532-1885 Mrs. Dunlap: 532-1886 2nd Grade News January 3rd – 7th Reading! We are beginning our middle of the year benchmark testing to determine your child’s current reading level and oral reading fluency. Your child should now be reading at a level K. She/he should also be able to read at least 60 words per minute in a grade level appropriate level text. This testing will not be complete before report cards go home, so the reading level will be left blank. We will send home a letter when testing is finished to inform you of your child’s scores. Welcome Back! We hope you and your children had a fun and relaxing winter break! Can you believe we are about half way through with second grade? There is still so much to learn, so make sure your child is here every day! 3 Week Standards Language: 2.5.3 Write a friendly letter complete with the date, salutation, body, closing, and signature. 2.6.4 Identify and correctly write various parts of speech, including nouns and verbs. 2.6.5 Use commas in the greeting and closure of a letter, and with dates, and items in a series. Math: 2.2.3 Subtract two whole numbers less than 100 with and without regrouping. 2.5.1 Measure and estimate the length to the nearest inch, foot, yard, centimeter, and meter. 2.5.2 Describe the relationships among inch, foot, and yard. Describe the relationship between centimeter and meter. 2.5.3 Describe which unit of length is most appropriate in a given situation. Toys and Candy I’m sure your child has many new toys and candy from the holidays! Please make sure they do not bring any of these items to school. They can be very distracting ! Thank you for your support! Boots & Shoes With the colder weather and snowy conditions, we have several students wearing boots to school. That is perfectly fine! However, we do ask that they change into tennis shoes when they arrive to their classroom. So, if your child wears snow boots to school please have them bring some tennis shoes to change into! Thank you! Dates to Remember January 3rd- School Reconvenes January 7th- Report Cards Sent Home www.lpsecondgrade.weebly.com
Week of January 3rd HOMEWORK chest chill chase sheep shape thing think white while Wheat Review Words mule fuse Challenge Words idea often second HOMEWORK Monday: page 1 and spelling page 49 Tuesday: page 2 and spelling page 50 Wednesday: page 3 and spelling page 51 Thursday: page 4 and spelling page 52 *Read book in a bag EVERY night!*