Introduction This task builds on your Task 2 work. You need to test your four identified weaknesses. The testing process should use standardised or bespoke tests. From this testing your results will identify two priority areas for improvement. Your eight week training plan will focus on these two priority areas only.
Performer Improvement Targets Unit 27 Task 3 Performer Improvement Targets
Testing and Training Timeline WB 05/01: Task 3 Introduction WB 12/01: Task 3 Testing and Planning WB 19/01: Training week 1/8 WB 26/01: Training week 2/8 WB 02/02: Training week 3/8 WB 09/02: Training week 4/8 – review week Review week includes re-testing and profiling. Changes may be made to your training plan at this stage. WB 16/02: Training week 5/8 WB 23/02: Training week 6/8 WB 02/03: Training week 7/8 WB 09/03: Training week 8/8 – final week. Final week includes re-testing and profiling.
Testing Excellence Trait – Weakness 1/4 Evasive Footwork Before Contact Test Name: Bespoke evasive footwork test Standardised Test: Yes / No Normative Data: N/A If Not A Standardised Test Detail Method Here: Equipment needed a rugby ball and cones The player stands in a 5x5 meter square set up on the pitch. The player receives a pass from the selected scrum half replicating a short line run off the 9 in a match. The player will come up against 8 different forwards who will be the chosen tacklers. Using the rating scale I will have devised I will then rank and score my athlete according to his results. For example a dominant tackle made and my athlete not breaking the gain line scores 0 points. A tackle made but my athlete making meters over the gain line scores 2.5 points. If my athlete completely destabilises the defender he will score 5 points. The end score will be a score out of 40 possible points. Test Result 1: 28.5 Test Result 1 Rating: Test Result 2: Test Result 2 Rating: Test Result 3: Test Result 3 Rating: Best Result: Best Result Rating: Good
Testing Excellence Trait – Weakness 2/4 Agility Test Name: Illinois agility test Standardised Test: Yes / No Normative Data: If Not A Standardised Test Detail Method Here: N/A Test Result 1: 18.11 Test Result 1 Rating: Average Test Result 2: 18.44 Test Result 2 Rating: Poor Test Result 3: 18.51 Test Result 3 Rating: Best Result: Best Result Rating:
Testing Excellence Trait – Weakness 3/4 Speed Test Name: 35 Meter Sprint Test Standardised Test: Yes / No Normative Data: If Not A Standardised Test Detail Method Here: N/A Test Result 1: 5.11 Test Result 1 Rating: Average Test Result 2: 5.73 Test Result 2 Rating: Poor Test Result 3: 5.83 Test Result 3 Rating: Best Result: Best Result Rating:
Testing Excellence Trait – Weakness 4/4 Body compisition Test Name: BMI test Standardised Test: Yes / No Normative Data: If Not A Standardised Test Detail Method Here: N/A Test Result 1: 26.7% Test Result 1 Rating: Overweight Test Result 2: Test Result 2 Rating: Test Result 3: Test Result 3 Rating: Best Result: Best Result Rating:
Improvement Target 1 (P6) Priority Excellence Trait Speed Baseline Test Result 5.11 Specific Target At the end of the 8 week training period, the specific target for my client when re tested to get an average score under 5 seconds. Measurable Agreed Upon Yes this target was agreed upon between myself and my client, after discussion we both felt that this is an achievable target. Realistic Yes with appropriate training and 100% commitment to sessions this target can easily be achieved. Time Based Baseline test 15/1/2015 Review (WB 09/02): Complete (WB 09/03):
Improvement Target 1 – Justification (M3) Why is this target needed? What will be the performance benefit to the performer (e.g. team selection, injury prevention and representative honours)? What will be the performance benefit to the performers team(s) (e.g. unit, attack, defence and whole team benefits)?
Student Justification 1 I chose speed as a trait to improve for my client when evaluating my client his baseline score came out as average. I chose speed as a trait to train because within rugby itself I feel that speed is one of if not the most important trait in the development and performance of a rugby player playing at the higher end of the performance ladder which applies to my athlete. There are many reasons as to why speed can benefit my client in his position and his sport for example evading players, making line breaks and supporting his teammates before the opponents have a chance to turn the ball over which all give attacking advantages to not only Alfie but his team the team benefit for Alfie having good speed will increase the chance of Alfie’s team maintaining possession. Improving Alfie’s speed will also benefit him in games and will increase his chances of progressing onto higher representative honours. The whole team benefit of speed will be in attack but especially in Alfie’s role in defence getting to the breakdown quicker than the opposition to turn ball over and “jackle” this will increase the chances of turnover ball and penalties being gained for Alfie’s team.
Improvement Target 2 (P6) Priority Excellence Trait Body Composition Baseline Test Result 19.0% Specific Target A total 5-10% decrease in mm in the four sites after the 8 week period. Measurable Agreed Upon This specific target was agreed upon after discussion with my client. Realistic After discussions with my client we both agreed that this target was realistic and could be achieved only if there was 100% commitment to all sessions. Time Based Baseline test (WB 15/01): Review (WB 09/02): Complete (WB 09/03):
Improvement Target 2 – Justification (M3) Why is this target needed? What will be the performance benefit to the performer (e.g. team selection, injury prevention and representative honours)? What will be the performance benefit to the performers team(s) (e.g. unit, attack, defence and whole team benefits)?
Student Justification 2 I chose body composition as a trait to improve as I feel that in Alfie’s level of performance and the position he plays in having the right balance between muscle and fat is important to allow him to carry out his role as a flanker effectively and efficiently throughout the entirety of the match, he will be able to maintain optimum levels of performance with the right body composition he will be able to carry out skills such as tackling and carrying into contact and be as effective in the 80th minute as he was in the first minute of the game. The personal benefit of Alfie having good body composition will mean that he will be able to carry out the roles involved in being a flanker at optimum levels as a seven in the higher end of the performance ladder being a “work horse” and being able to get up and tackle continuously is seen as an important trait and this being identified in Alfie’s game could give him a chance of representing teams at a higher level than he is currently playing at. The whole team benefit of Alfie being able to maintain high levels of performance for the whole 80 minutes will benefit the team in attack and defence. in defence Alfie will be able to tackle continuously effectively and efficiently which will help the defence of the team and the pattern and structure of the defence as Alfie’s main role as a flanker is to tackle. The whole team benefit of Alfie being able to maintain a high level of performance would benefit the team in attack as Alfie will be able to be an effective ball carrier and make effective meters for his team to get over the gain line, meaning the backs have a solid platform set by Alfie and the remaining forwards to run set moves and attack the gain line on the front foot.