Using Management Reporter to Remain Compliant and Generate Reports Carol Rogne, CPA CEO |DFC Consultants, Ltd.|A Stoneridge Company
Carol Rogne, CPA CEO/ Founder of DFC Consultants Sold DFC to Stoneridge Software in 2018 29 Years Experience with GP and Reporting Provided training and consulting to hundreds of end users Have worked with Agencies in system setup, and with audits
Agenda What can be done in Management Reporter Sample reports How are the reports created? Report Library to organize your month end Security in Management Reporter
Sample Reports Actual to Budget Actual to Budget where grant spans multiple years Dynamic Budget Locations Side by Side Statistics in Reports
Report Definitions Report Select the report to run Choose your building blocks Select your Dates
Report Definitions Settings
Report Definitions Settings (Other)
Report Definitions Headers and Footers
Report Definitions Output and Distribution
Report Definition Generate Reports
Building Blocks Rows
Building Blocks Columns
Building Blocks Trees
Add Comments to Reports
Reporting Library
Management Reporter Options
Security Password Protect Building Blocks
Security Set User Roles
Questions? DFC Consultants, Ltd. 701-281-6112 Carol Rogne