Home Profile Account John F. Kennedy Logout Montresor is chillin’ in the basement with an old friend who is going to stay a while! Wall Info Photos Boxes Write something… Share View photos of Montresor (5) Montresor is involved in an independent building project. Send Montresor a message Poke Montresor Fortunato Yo, Montresor – it’s been a while, buddy! What have you been up to? Information Networks: Europe Birthday: Jan 19, 1809 Political: Independent Religion: Hometown: Montresor ;) patiently waiting for you YOUR POSTS NEED TO BE FULL PARAGRAPHS FOR FULL CREDIT!!!!!!— ;) Miss P Fortunato dude, you sound creepy… but it’s good to hear from you! Montresor Nah, not meant that way, bro! Let’s hang out. My place for wine? Fortunato Yeah! Let’s throw together a killer party! Friends Montresor precisely my thoughts! Fortunato Edgar Raven Montresor is annoyed by people and their insults. I can’t wait for the day…. people will pay! October 28, 1962 Ralph H.D.T. Luchesi
Home Profile Account facebook Wall Photos Flair Boxes John F. Kennedy Logout Montresor is chillin’ in the basement with an old friend who is going to stay a while! Wall Info Photos Boxes Basic Information Networks: Europe Sex: Male Birthday: Jan 19, 1809 Hometown: Europe Relationship Status: Single Political Views: Independent Religious Views: View photos of Montresor (5) Send Montresor a message Poke message Personal Information Activities: Wine, socializing, building projects Interests: Wine, revenge, hanging out with old friends Favorite Music: Festival music Favorite Theater:: Tragedies, Histories… mostly horror. I have a strong liking for revenge stories. Favorite Shows: Julius Caesar – by William Shakespeare Favorite Books: anything horror… especially revenge. Information Networks: Europe Birthday: Jan 19, 1809 Political: Religion: Hometown: Contact Information Photos 2 Albums Address: Europe Building Projects around the house Updated last Tuesday Wine Updated two months ago
Home Profile Account facebook Wall Photos Flair Boxes John F. Kennedy Logout Montresor is chillin’ in the basement with an old friend who is going to stay a while! Wall Info Photos Boxes Photos of Montresor 7 Photos Montresor Albums 2 Photo Alums 5 photos Building Projects 5 photos Wine 1 photo Profile Pictures