oikos Zeus Ktêsios (Possessions) Agathos Daimôn Zeus Meilikhios (Fertility/Children) Hestia Zeus Ephestios (Hearth)
AMPHIDROMIA Hearth fire as transformative: • Myths of “immortalization” (Achilles, Demophoön) • RawCooked : NatureCulture : StrangeFamiliar : OtherSelf • Amphidromia ritual
Threshold Zeus Herkeios (Fence) Hermes Hekate Apollo Agyieus (Street)
Female Rites of Passage ROLE DEITY [youngest] tending hearth Hestia 7 arrhephoros (“dew-carrier”) Athena Parthenos 10 aletris (“grinder”) Athena 10-14 arktos (“bear”) Artemis Brauronia 14 kanephoros (“basket-carrier”) Athena Polias 15+ marriage Hera Gamostolos
Rites of Passage ARTEMIS APHRODITE HERA virginity sexual activity marriage, childbirth girl korê/nympha woman gynê
Marriage 1. Proaulia 2. Gamos 3. Epaulia
Kinds of Space NATURE wilderness uncultivated, “raw” NYMPHS garden self-cultivated, “self-cooked” CULTURE farm cultivated, “cooked” Garden of the Nymphs kêpos nymphôn •sacralization of nature •sexualization (kêpos, leimôn, pedion) of nature •idealization of marriage •nymphs vs. Artemesian nymphs
Nymphs, Apollo, Pan
Cave of Pan, North Slope of Akropolkis
Pan •idealization of primal space •proto-civilization harsh and pristine •celebration of male virility •myths of sexual aggression •experience of “panic”