Updates Summit scheduled for December 7-8 at Sacramento Hilton Arden West. Registration is open. See link at: http://www3.canyons.edu/Offices/IEPI/workshops.html#dec7 Inmate Education List Serv is now open: http://listserv.cccnext.net/scripts/wa.exe?SUBED1=INMATE-ED The Opportunity Institute has just released a Request for Proposals At least $1.75 million in year one, with renewal funding Result of the outreach and research done by the Stanford Criminal Justice Center and the Warren Institute at Berkeley Law. RFP found here - http://theopportunityinstitute.org/opportunity-justice/ Proposals are due by February 2, 2016. Questions to laura@theopportunityinstitute.org by Friday, December 4, 2015. In partnership with Institutional Effectiveness Partnership Initiative (IEPI) and the Academic Senate, a statewide Summit is scheduled for December 7-8 at the Hilton Arden west in Sacramento, CA. The theme is Inmate and Reentry Education -- Building a Pipeline to Success. Registration information is available at this link: http://www3.canyons.edu/Offices/IEPI/workshops.html#dec7 The Summit will provide a venue to explore educational opportunities for incarcerated and formally incarcerated students and showcase efforts toward effective and sustainable college program development. Each district/college is encouraged to send a team of representatives We have just established an Inmate Education List Serv which is now open. now open: http://listserv.cccnext.net/scripts/wa.exe?SUBED1=INMATE-ED The Opportunity Institute has released a Request for Proposals to fund programs providing college education and support to currently and/or formerly incarcerated Californians. The Opportunity Institute expects to distribute at least $1.75 million in year one, with renewal funding and renewal contracts for two additional years. This RFP is a result of the outreach and research done by the Stanford Criminal Justice Center and the Warren Institute at Berkeley Law. The RFP can be found here. http://theopportunityinstitute.org/opportunity-justice/ Proposals are due by February 2, 2016. Questions about the RFP should be directed to Laura Van Tassel at laura@theopportunityinstitute.org by Friday, December 4, 2015. Applicants for the funds will be accredited higher education institutions or 501(c)(3) organizations working with accredited institutions of higher education.