Greek and Latin Root Words Unit 13
CAP, CIP “Head” Latin
CAPITULATE To yield; to surrender I capitulated to that bear because he was “scury.” – $t. Nic0l3ll@ CAPITULATE
RECAPITULATE To summarize briefly Trevor recapitulated that the bear was “scury.” – T-R3V RECAPITULATE
CAPRICE Sudden change of intention; impulsiveness Trevor’s cat Uncle Rar-rar acted with caprice and decided to drown Trevor instead of bury him alive one time when he was nine. D-D@wg and H-D@v CAPRICE
PRECIPITATE To cause something to happen immediately; to speed up David spraying the “scury” bear with mace precipitated Trevor’s mauling by the super “scury” bear. T-R3V PRECIPITATE
DUC “lead”
ADDUCE To bring forth as evidence; to use as an example Snickelfritz adduced a poisoned McRib that Uncle Rar-rar was going to use to precipitate Trevor’s demise. D-D@wg ADDUCE
TRADUCE To say false things in order to harm the reputation Uncle Rar-rar traduced Snickelfritz’s motivation with the poisoned McRib to the judge. Purrgery is bad. Steve-Ick, D-D@wg, Mo-Mo, M@tt TRADUCE
SUBDUE To conquer or overcome The “scury” bear was subdued by Captain Fluffybritches and his ninja kitten brigade. D-D@wg T-R3V SUBDUE
SERV To keep, to serve
SUBSERVIENT Willing to obey Trevor was subservient when the customer asked for the brand new popcorn chicken and sliders. (McDonald’s Secret…hehehehe) $t. Nic0ll3l@ T-R3V SUBSERVIENT
SERVILE Like a slave; too humble Uncle Rar-rar seeks to transform Trevor into a servile, drooling zombie. D-D@wg SERVILE
RESERVED Keeping one’s thoughts to oneself; withdrawn Captain Fluffybritches and his ninja kitten brigade were very reserved as they snuck through the air ducts to save Trevor from Uncle Rar-rar. T-R3V RESERVED
SUP, SOV, SUR “above”
SOVEREIGN Having the highest power or authority; ruling Emperor Cuddlepaws learned of Uncle Rar-rar’s evil plot to kill his nephew Trevor and invoked his sovereign cat powers to intercept the assault. D-D@wg $t. Nic0l3ll@ SOVEREIGN
SURFEIT To fill to excess; gorge Trevor surfeited on the poisoned McRibs while Uncle Rar-rar laughed maniacally. $t. Nic0l3ll@ D-D@wg T-R3V SURFEIT
INSUPERABLE Not able to be overcome Trevor’s body is insuperable due to years of working at McDonald’s, so Uncle Rar-rar’s plan was futile. Trevor became sovereign over Kitty Land and was made the national hero. Stev-Ick T-R3V INSUPERABLE