Dear Parents, This year Griffin Middle School will be partnering with Alive Ministries to help meet the needs of students & their families right here at Griffin & in Cobb County. Alive Ministries partners with local schools to provide food & toiletries to students & families in need. We hope that you will join us as we support this great cause & challenge each homeroom to collect 100 cans or boxes of food by the 100th day of school, January 23, 2014. All of the food collected will be donated to the Save It Forward Food Pantries in Cobb County. This campaign will teach students the importance of helping others in need and the value of working together. Students will learn that no matter how large or small their contribution is to the campaign, when we work together and each does his/her part, we can make a BIG difference. We are asking each child to assist his/her homeroom in collecting 100 cans or boxes of food by bringing in non perishable foods or toiletries from now until the 100th day of school. No expired items please. On behalf of the teachers and administrators at Griffin Middle School, thank you for your support! Sincerely, Dr. Mark Trachtenbroit Principal Griffin Middle School
Please help Griffin Middle School collect 100 Cans or Boxes of Food by the 100th Day of School! All items donated will be provided to students & their families in need in Cobb County Schools. Suggested items are below. Peanut Butter Crackers & Cookies Jelly Cake Mix & Frosting Canned Vegetables Brownie, Cookie, Muffin Mixes Jello & Pudding Snack Cups Corn Bread Mixes Canned Fruit Popcorn Hamburger Helper Juices & Juice Boxes Cereal & Pop Tarts Flour Grits & Oatmeal Sugar Pancake mix & syrup Cooking Oil Canned soup Pam spray Canned meat (tuna, chicken, etc) Granola Bars Macaroni & Cheese Fruit Cups & Fruit Snacks Rice & Rice-a-Roni Laundry Detergent Dried Beans Soap & Body Washes Instant Potatoes Deodorant Spaghetti Noodles Toothpaste & Tooth Brushes Spaghetti Sauce Shampoo & Conditioner Any type of pasta noodles Diapers & Baby Wipes Pasta Sauces Baby Food Ravioli & Spaghettios Baby Wash, Lotion, etc Canned Chili Toilet Paper Canned tomatoes Paper Towels Tomato Sauce & Paste Mayo, Ketchup, & Mustard Salad Dressing No expired items please!