OECD Milestones Henrik Harjula, Ph.D. OECD Environment Directorate


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Presentation transcript:

OECD Milestones Henrik Harjula, Ph.D. OECD Environment Directorate Sustainable Chemistry- Implementation of a Scientific Concept in Policy and Economy Workshop, 15-16 May 2007, Berlin OECD Milestones Henrik Harjula, Ph.D. OECD Environment Directorate 12/6/2018

SUSTAINABLE CHEMISTRY OECD Milestones In 1998, OECD Governments endorsed the start of a new initiative. Workshop held in Venice (October 1998) to: Identify SC activities underway (survey); Identify effective techniques and approaches; and Identify activities that could further the development and use of SC. 12/6/2018

SUSTAINABLE CHEMISTRY OECD Milestones Recommendations from Venice Workshop: Encourage SC research and development; Establish an awards programme; Establish an information exchange activity; Develop guidance; and Promote the incorporation of SC concepts into chemical education curricula 12/6/2018

SUSTAINABLE CHEMISTRY OECD Milestones An Issue Team was established in 1999 with representatives from: Belgium, Canada, Germany, Italy, Japan, Mexico, the Netherlands, Sweden, the UK and the US Workgroups were established for implementation of the seven (7) recommendations from Venice (ENV/JM(2000)11), and the Proceedings were published (ENV/JM/MONO(99)19) 12/6/2018

SUSTAINABLE CHEMISTRY OECD Milestones The second survey in 2000 Workshop on Research and Development in October 2000 in Tokyo Objectives: - Develop background material for guidance that can assist member countries and others develop effective R&D programmes; and - Develop a Mid-Long Range Work Plan. 12/6/2018

SUSTAINABLE CHEMISTRY OECD Milestones On the basis of discussions at the Tokyo Workshop and the second survey the following outputs were prepared: Guidance for Establishing Research and Development Programmes in Sustainable Chemistry (ENV/JM/MONO(2002)12); Mid-Long Range Work Plan (ENV/JM/RD(2000)15; and Sustainable Chemistry Brochure (2004). 12/6/2018

SUSTAINABLE CHEMISTRY OECD Milestones Recent Developments: Dessau Workshop, 27-29 January 2004 (UBA), focused on [ENV/JM/RD(2004)6] : Available criteria and indicators for SC; Methods and instruments for evaluating sustainability; and Elements to make sustainability concrete for chemicals management. 12/6/2018

SUSTAINABLE CHEMISTRY OECD Milestones 37th Joint Meeting (November 2004): ENV/JM(2004)25 provided the scope, linkages with other areas of the OECD Chemicals Programme, and next steps for future OECD work on Sustainable Chemistry; There was support for a small group to look at next steps. 12/6/2018

SUSTAINABLE CHEMISTRY OECD Milestones 38th Joint Meeting (June 2005): Germany agreed after the 37th JM to take the lead on Sustainable Chemistry; and Germany and the Issue Team would put Sustainable Chemistry into the context of existing OECD activities based on ENV/JM(2004)25. 12/6/2018

SUSTAINABLE CHEMISTRY OECD Milestones 39th Joint Meeting (February 2006): Incentives for Implementation of SC [ENV/JM(2006)2]; The JM appreciated the wide scope of the work proposed and agreed to the establishment of a Sustainable Chemistry Network for information exchange, review of new developments and further elaboration of incentives for SC. 12/6/2018

SUSTAINABLE CHEMISTRY OECD Milestones 41st Joint Meeting (June 2007): Implementation of the Sustainable Chemistry Network [ENV/JM(2007)4]. 12/6/2018

SUSTAINABLE CHEMISTRY OECD Milestones Summary: Proceedings of the Venice Workshop 1998; Tokyo Workshop 2000; IUPAC Workshop on GC Education 2001; OECD Env. Outlook for Chemicals Industry 2001 Guidance for R&D in SC 2002; Dessau Workshop 2004 (UBA); SC Brochure 2004; SC Network 2006; and Incentives for implementation 2006. 12/6/2018