Yorkshire Sport Foundation Sport Leeds 20th February 2017
Vision and Aims A Vibrant, Healthy and Prosperous Yorkshire through Sport and Physical Activity More People taking part on a regular basis Greater Inclusivity so that everyone can take part Maximise Investment into Sport and Physical Activity Improved Physical and Mental Health Increased sense of belonging in communities Improves education and skills Greater investment into the economy
Our Role “To CONNECT, INFLUENCE and PROVIDE sport to make it an everyday part of people’s lives”
YSF Strategy “The nine District Activity Partnerships (DAPs), which involve all major planning and delivers of sport within a district, remain vital ….. Each group formulates their own plans and strategies for improving sporting provision in their area and are important influencers on senior decision makers across the district. The DAPs will be led locally and it will be our role to promote and support them appropriately.”
District Activity Partnerships Barnsley Sport and Active Leisure Partnership Active Wakefield
Connect District (City) Activity Partnerships From national to local Between providers: education, NGBs and clubs, local authorities, wider partners Within sports and activities Non sports organisations
Influence Use of data and intelligence Development of strategies and plans City Region Agendas Other sectors Marketing and Coms e.g. supporting national campaigns such as This Girl Can
Provide (Where gaps exist) Sport England Programmes (Sportivate, Satellite Clubs, Primary School Premium Support) Local Programmes (Creating Connections, Mum’s Team, Sport for Change, Workplace Challenge) Coach and Volunteer Training Events e.g. Level 3 School Games, Network Events Club and Volunteer Support
Governance - Trustees
Current - Staffing
New Structure – April 2017
New Core Spec – Early indications To have granular knowledge of the local area To have the ability to broker relationships locally Supporting Local Authorities (“finding the right fit with local authorities”)
Timescales Staffing structure in place 1st April 2017 Bid to SE for core funding May 2017 Commence new core spec October 2017