Quality of life and psychosocial development in adolescents with epilepsy: a qualitative investigation using focus group methods  M.J. MCEWAN, COLIN A.


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Presentation transcript:

Quality of life and psychosocial development in adolescents with epilepsy: a qualitative investigation using focus group methods  M.J. MCEWAN, COLIN A. ESPIE, JULIE METCALFE, MARTIN J. BRODIE, MARGARET T. WILSON  Seizure - European Journal of Epilepsy  Volume 13, Issue 1, Pages 15-31 (January 2004) DOI: 10.1016/S1059-1311(03)00080-3

Fig. 1 Adolescent development (identity formation) main theme and related sub-themes: pathway of organisation as identified through analysis of transcribed focus groups. Seizure - European Journal of Epilepsy 2004 13, 15-31DOI: (10.1016/S1059-1311(03)00080-3)

Fig. 2 Epilepsy related issues main theme and related sub-themes: pathway of organisation as identified through analysis of transcribed focus groups. Seizure - European Journal of Epilepsy 2004 13, 15-31DOI: (10.1016/S1059-1311(03)00080-3)

Fig. 3 Model of QOL and identity formation in adolescents with epilepsy. Seizure - European Journal of Epilepsy 2004 13, 15-31DOI: (10.1016/S1059-1311(03)00080-3)