Federal Strategic Sourcing Initiative Government-Wide Wireless Program Industry Day II December 5, 2011
Agenda Opening Remarks Lesley Field Program Objectives and Overview Dave Peters Contracting Office Guidance Patti Stang Non-attributed Review of Common Questions Dave, Patti Open Q+A All Review of Next Steps, Closing Patti Stang
Wireless Federal Strategic Sourcing Initiative Program Objective: Transform Government’s Acquisition and Management of Wireless Technology to achieve: Reduced acquisition and operational costs Improve operational efficiency Identification and distribution of best practices A solid wireless foundation to support our future wireless, mobile government Value: Increased savings, improved management, and improved utilization of existing wireless resources Vision: Leadership in Wireless Services Best Practices
Contracting Officer Guidance: Patti Stang
Program Components Service Plans and Devices (This RFQ) Cellular plans that address current and future voice, voice/data, and data only service plans Wide variety of devices: cell phones, smart phones, data only devices, tablets, pagers, others Infrastructure, sub-systems, and complementary services: messaging services/server (BES), encryption services, device recycling/disposition reporting, M2M, other Management Information: business portal interface, performance management plan, program management Centers of Excellence: Shared resources for addressing common wireless technology management processes and concerns across federal government
How The Wireless Program Works The Wireless FSSI will include wireless services and devices based on government-wide volumes and a centralized approach. The BPA will also include business portal interface requirements to enable enterprise management. Agencies will leverage a portal or TEMS service to establish a single interface for management of wireless enterprise Agencies leverage program to obtain services and approved devices
Anticipated Impact at One Agency Represents Potential Benefits for All of Government $X ACPU across agency The current average cost per unit across the agency subscriber base averages $X per month. This value varies based on level of centralized acquisition, location, and mission. The Devices & Services FSSI is looking to achieve targeted discounts for devices and services based on aggregated volume across all Federal Agencies. TEMS providers have historically provided additional per line savings beyond those from acquisition. Sources include zero usage account identification, improved plan selection, and overage reduction/elimination. The FSSI Wireless Program has targeted savings goals and management metrics to help the federal government improve its management of wireless technology. Z % savings from improved management, improved plan selection Y % savings from acquisition Lower ACPU Starting Point Impact from Leveraging Competition, Volume Impact from Improved Management Targeted Price Points
Common RFQ Questions (other clarifications beyond list below were also made) Contracting Awarded BPA Contractor(s) will be able to submit modifications for new capabilities and price reductions After BPA awards, new service plans can be added to BPAs by Contractors via mod if required by agency customers Pricing: The Price Maintenance Clause is based on a deviation approval by the GSA Senior Procurement Executive and will remain Effective price definition updated Technical As requested, some requirements now listed “as available” which include: (1) Kill/Wipe; (2) Headset/Holster; The Business Portal Interface is NOT a portal---it is an interface to standardize how you may commonly receive data from a government customer designated portal via an SFTP server that the government designated portal provider will host Security requirements will primarily occur at the task order level Levels of Coverage requirement reduced, data download rate requirements eliminated Evaluation Technical and Management sub-factors relative importance were specified Proposal Submissions Deadline extended to 12/22/2011 at 4:00 PM ET (VIA EBUY) Service plan documentation can be included in the promotional literature section; Coverage Maps Section expanded to 100 pages Other Small Business Goals can be reported through existing Schedule 70 requirements The FSSI Wireless Ordering Guide will be available after the proposal deadline. Industry feedback is welcome and appreciated. TAA is a requirement. it is the law. Funding fee cycle was updated per submitted suggestion
Offeror, FSSI Wireless Action Items/Next Steps Review question responses and incorporate into response activities SUBMIT RESPONSE ONLINE VIA EBUY BY 4:00 PM ET ON 12/22/2011 Submit Schedule modifications by 4:00 PM ET Jan 21st FSSI Wireless Working Group Load amended RFQ and proposals into evaluation tool Receive Schedule modifications and confirm Complete individual Price and Non-Price Evaluations Support initial task order development Continue to support subcommittee development Consensus reports
Contact Information: CO, Wireless Program: Patti Stang patricia.stang@gsa.gov (703) 306-6404 CO, Schedule 70 Items: Marquita Washington marquita.washington@gsa.gov (703) 605-2275
Backup Slides
Ensuring the Program Meets the Unique Requirements of Wireless: Device Enrollment Wireless FSSI Team will address short product cycles of wireless devices Program website (http://www.gsa.gov/wirelessfssi) will provide: Instructions and Checklist for industry to submit device enrollments Contacts for support All modification shall be submitted via e-Mod process; Schedule 70 Team will provide designated resources from one branch to process all enrollments Aggressive, objective interval for commercially available to completed enrollment interval (current average of 15-21 days for similar items would support existing interval of 3-4 weeks for agencies to approve devices for purchase)
Wireless Subcommittees Initiated Portal: Confirm reporting and interface requirements meet needs Bid Model/Economics: Evaluate value throughout program life-cycle at agency acquisition and program levels Transition/Implementation: Identify best practices, tools Device: Accelerate device evaluation and approval baseline standards; Support policy development Security: Support security policy and compliance through resource and information sharing Service Coverage: Team approach to measuring service coverage Active Today Chartered, Deliverables Planned