ASSIGNMENT Today you will complete an activity in class that will show your understanding of the characters and themes of Hamlet, as well as make predictions about plot and theme development. There is also an extra credit (optional) assignment following today’s activity
MINGLING WITH MOTIFS . . . STEP 1—Theme/Motif Table Work Work with your group. Review each of the quotes in your folder. Decide as a group what ONE motif is present in these quotes. Check with with Ms. Bard to verify that your group has detected the correct motif based on the quotes.
STEP 2—Make a plot prediction: Each member of a motif table is to now choose what they find to be the most POWERFUL quotation to represent this motif. Make a prediction about what might happen in relation to these words. Write your name, the motif, and a prediction on the back of the quote.
STEP 3– Mingle to the Music: Stand up! You are about to mingle around the room to share your motif and prediction with various partners. Music will play during the mingling time – travel the the music stops.
DEAR DIARY . . . Choose a character from Hamlet. EXTRA CREDIT (optional) Choose a character from Hamlet. Compose a series of 3-5 diary entries written in the role of that character. Entries should reflect the turmoil, confusion, motivation, and/or angst in the character’s psyche and demonstrate your understanding of what is happening in the play, and what issues your chosen character is facing.