Compliance Huddle october 2016
Today’s Agenda Recent Exams MLA – Guidance and Mandatory Compliance Date Pre-paid Products ADA New URLA Mortgage Servicing
Recent Exams Does anyone currently have examiners on-site? Is there a change in the type of information being requested? What is the focus of the on-site? Compliance/Safety and Soundness/IT/CRA Has anyone just been through an exam or recently received their ROE? Has examiner “tone” changed from the last on-site? Are the reports giving credit where credit is due, or if there were concerns, are the reports written in such a way that the regulators are seemingly sympathetic or more demanding? What are some of the areas of focus?
MLA Oral disclosure Paying by Check Deposit Secured Right of Set-off Other…
Pre-paid Products The final rule focuses mainly on disclosures, error resolution, liability and periodic statement requirements. The disclosures must generally be given before the consumer acquires the prepaid account. Much of the information required in the disclosures focuses on fees and information about the features of the account.
ADA Letters being received from lawfirms Outside reviews? Complaints?
New URLA Has anyone began using Issues?
Mortgage Servicing Reminder – We are having a training webinar on this subject tomorrow at 2:30-3:30 (CT)
Anything Else on Your Mind…
Questions? Thank you for your participation and input into the conversation! If you have any additional questions, contact Compliance Alliance at or 888-353-3933.