By S.e. Hinton Ms. Saucedo- Summer 101 The Outsiders By S.e. Hinton Ms. Saucedo- Summer 101
Who is S.E. Hinton? Susan Elioise Hinton Born in Tulsa, Oklahoma (1948) Began writing The Outsiders @ 15 Used initials to hide her gender from male reviewers Was inspired by her own high school social divisions
Setting: Time and Place 1965
Main Characters Greasers Socs
Life In 1965 Hair Fashion
Life In 1965 Music
Life In 1965 Drive Ins Watching movies at the drive-in was the popular thing to do for teenagers. Cars mentioned throughout the novel. Drive-in restaurants were often spots for gangs to hand out or to go on dates.
History in 1960s American forces arrive at Vietnam in 1961 President JFK assassinated in 1963 Civil Rights Movement: successfully advocated equal rights for people of color Martin Luther King Jr. assassinated in 1968
Think-Pair-Share What do you think “The Outsiders” means? What is an “outsider”? What do you think a “coming-of-age” novel means? What do you think were some of the issues teenagers faced in the 1960s? Do you think these are issues that teenagers still face today?
Letter From S.E. Hinton C:\Users\JESSICA\Documents\Summer School\Reading\Letter from S.E. Hinton.docx
Think-Pair-Share What kinds of characters do you think you will encounter while reading The Outsiders? What kinds of themes do you think you will encounter while reading The Outsiders? What do you think the author wants you to take away from this novel?