NCSS Federal Lands Advisory Group National Cooperative Soil Survey National Conference Las Cruces, New Mexico May 13, 2009 Randy Davis USDA Forest Service
Outline FLAG Inception Representatives Progress Report Futuring
Federal Lands Advisory Group FLAG Contacts: Bureau of Land Management - Vacant Bureau of Indian Affairs - Dave Edington Department of Defense - George Teachman Forest Service - Randy Davis National Park Service – Pete Bingham Fish and Wildlife Service - Karen Drewes NRCS Liaison -Maxine Levin
2002 Supplemental Budget Requested NRCS, FS and BLM to complete a plan to complete the soil survey and the ecological classification of all lands of the USA, and Develop an interagency ecological classification system
Federal Lands Advisory Group Purpose: To facilitate the development and maintenance of the soil and ecological site inventories of the nation’s federal lands in association with the other partners of the NCSS
Progress Report Initial Soil Survey and Terrestrial Ecological Unit Inventory areas prioritized Cost estimates of All Lands Initiative finalized MOUs USDA Forest Service Updated BIA in-progress BIA being reviewed
What’s Ahead! Finalize “All Lands Initiative” Complete MLRA implementation plan Develop personnel organization plan