Latin BE-periphrases, Aux-cliticization, and the genesis of Romance analytic BE-passives Lieven Danckaert (UGent, GIST)
2. VPAux/AuxVP in the history of Latin possum Average rates of AuxVP: earlier period : 31,60% later period: 58,50% Statistically significant? Yes (Independent samples T-test, p = .000)
2. VPAux/AuxVP in the history of Latin debeo Average rates of AuxVP: earlier period : 32,83% later period: 51,21% Statistically significant? Yes (Independent samples T-test, p = .025)
2. VPAux/AuxVP in the history of Latin BE Average rates of AuxVP: earlier period : 24,29% later period: 19,00% Statistically significant? No (Independent samples T-test, p = .494)
Relative frequency of F-periphrases 3. The evolution of the F-pattern Relative frequency of F-periphrases Average rates of AuxVP: earlier period : 4,55% later period with outliers: 29,35% later period without outliers: 12,42% Statistically significant? with outliers: Yes (Independent samples T-test, p = .000) without outliers: Yes (Independent samples T-test, p = .006)
3. The evolution of the F-pattern Frequency of head-initial TPs in E and F-patterns compared: Average rates of AuxVP: Early: E: 29,03% F: 20,38% Statistically significant with outliers: No (Independent samples T-test, p = .905) Late: E: 12,43% F: 47,11% Statistically significant with outliers: Yes (Independent samples T-test, p = .000)
3. The evolution of the F-pattern Frequency of head-initial TPs in Late Latin, with different Aux’s: