Pentose Phosphate Pathway From Glycolysis Glucose - 6 - P NADP + NADPH 6 - Phosphogluconate NADP + CO 2 NADPH Ribulose - 5 - P Xylulose -5-P Ribose - 5 - P To Glycolysis Sedoheptulose -7-P Glyceraldehyde- 3 - P Fructose - 6 - P Erythrose-4-P Erythrose-4-P Erythrose-4-P
PENTOSE PHOSPHATE PATHWAY Functions Generate reducing potential in the form of NADPH. It serves as an electron donor and drive biosynthetic reactions in the cytosol. The production of pentose phosphate, precursor for ribose and deoxyribose => nuclei acids. Erythrose-4-P precursor biosynthesis of aromatic aminoacids, lignin and flavonoids
The Fate of Pyruvate + O2 Acetaldehyde Lactate CO2 + H2O Ethanol Aerobic Anaerobic - Fermentation + O2 NADH PYRUVATE CO2 NAD + Mitochondrial Respiration Acetaldehyde NADH Lactate NAD + CO2 + H2O Ethanol