Symbol Test Choose the symbol that you like the best. Don’t intellectualize, just make the choice that feels right. Discuss why you and your peers selected your particular shape.
Squares… Feel more comfortable with a stable environment and clear directions Like specific instructions Will feel good about being presented with a technique and carrying it through until it is done, even if it’s tedious Find comfort in regularity, formality, loyalty, respect, and rituals Might be viewed as narrow-minded
Rectangles… Like squares, feel comfort in regularity, but instead of being instructed, rectangles like to establish their own structure Enjoy understanding the principles of what they are doing Like to know the systematic techniques being used Might be viewed as cold
Triangles… Are very goal oriented Are ambitious Enjoy planning and carrying out the plans Tend to look in the long- term Might be viewed as bossy
Circles… Don’t need a plan or a system Prefer to talk about whatever is at hand Believe that harmony is all- important Are social, communicative, and extroverted Might be viewed as undependable or unpredictable
Squiggles… Like to be presented with new and different things Are motivated by unexpected perspectives and angles Are flexible; little to no structure is needed Are creative Enjoy doing new things; find regularity boring Might be viewed as undependable or unpredictable
Similarities/Differences Square, rectangle, and triangle are all convergent—working towards something specific; work in a systematic way; may be lacking in personal creativity Circle and squiggle are divergent—creative, extroverted, intuitive; will reach out into new areas and other people; may not be systematic or dependable
Job Positions (choose the “best” answer) You need something specific done, no questions asked; ask a _____ to do it. A group of people need to be organized to complete a short- term task. Ask a _____ to lead the task. A ____ should be hired for public relations. You’re desperate for a new idea. Look to a _____ for inspiration. The person making all these decisions is probably a _____, because they’re good at long-term thinking and goal setting.