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Presentation transcript:


Site Selection and Site Planning

Site Selection The Intention Site selection and analysis should be carried out to create living spaces that are in harmony with the local environment. The development of a project should not cause damage to the natural surroundings of the site but, should try to improve it by restoring its balance. Thus, site selection should be carried out in light of a holistic perspective of land use, development intensity, social well-being, and preservation of the environment

Site Selection The selected site should be in conformity with the development plan/master plan/UDPFI (Urban Development Plans Formulation and Implementation) guidelines (mandatory). This should comply with the provisions of eco-sensitive zone regulations, coastal zone regulations, heritage areas (identified in the master plan or issued separately as specific guidelines), water body zones (in such zones, no construction is permitted in the water-spread and buffer belt of 30 m minimum around the FTL [full tank level]), various hazard prone area regulations, and others if the site falls under any such area.

Site Selection an existing bus stop, The selected site should be located within ½ km radius of an existing bus stop, commuter rail, light rail or metro station and/or select brownfield site (to rehabilitate damaged sites where development is hindered by environmental contamination, thereby reducing pressure on undeveloped land).

Site Selection Site selection process includes analysis of land-use, ecosystem and diversity history and heritage, urban context and environmental considerations. Land use Suitability: The proposed building(s) should be in conformity with Designated use on the ‘development plan’ Or the land-use zones in which they fall (as specified by the ‘master plan’). And the ‘development regulations’ of that area as well. Analysis of urban context considerations Analyse the city form – urban / macro context Review the potential of views – local / micro context

Site Selection

Site Selection Resource and needs’ assessment of the project should be done at the pre-design stage. Issues which need to be identified at the pre-design and site selection stage are Proximity or remoteness of the site from existing transportation corridors, and its ability to match the needs of the building owner, users, and their occupancy patterns. Natural resources, geographical features, solar path, vegetation, and identification of on-site sources and sinks connectivity to infrastructure and public transport network, power requirement and power source, water requirement and water source, and waste management on the site If these issues are given a thought at the site selection stage itself, the expenditure incurred on them (eventually) can be minimized, along with their energy consumption.

Preserve & protect landscape during construction Select proper timing for the construction activity to minimize site disturbance such as soil pollution due to spilling of the construction material and its mixing with rainwater. Effects of Soil Pollution Soil pollution causes huge disturbances in the ecological balance and health of living organisms at an alarming rate. Some the effects of soil pollution are: Reduced soil fertility hence decrease in soil yield. Loss of natural nutrients in soil. Reduced nitrogen fixation. Loss of soil and nutrients. Increased soil erosion. Imbalance in the flora and fauna of the soil. Increase in soil salinity, makes it unfit for cultivation. Creation of toxic dust. Foul odor due to industrial chemicals and gases. Alteration in soil structure can lead to death of organisms in it

Use staging and spill prevention and control plan to restrict the spilling of the contaminated material on-site.

Protect the topsoil from erosion Protect the topsoil from erosion. Use collection storage and reapplication of the topsoil, sediment basin, contour trenching, mulching, and soil stabilization methods to protect the topsoil from erosion during construction.

Example for protecting Top soil

Specify and limit construction activity in preplanned/ designated areas Advantages Reduction of wastage (of materials, time, man-power, etc.) Protection of the ecology (reducing unnecessary site clearing) Reduction of spill-over from the site, pollution control, etc. Efficient movement on site with due concern for safety.

Simple site Plan


Plan utilities efficiently and optimize on-site circulation efficiency Design a site plan to minimize road length and building footprint. Shade all pedestrian roads by vegetated roofs/any other shading devices. Consolidate utility corridors along the previously disturbed areas or along new roads, in order to minimize unnecessary cutting and trenching and to ensure easy maintenance. Local codes and requirements for water, sewer, and electrical/telecommunication lines should be considered. Consolidate services, pedestrian, and automobile paths.