CV Risk Doesn't End in the Cath Lab
Program Themes
Adjusted Risk of All-Cause Death in Post-MI Survivors
Primary Efficacy Endpoint Over Time (PLATO) Composite of CV Death, MI, or Stroke
Primary Endpoint Through Follow-Up in the SOLID-TIMI 52 Trial
68-Year-Old Man: STEMI Treated With BMS
Thrombotic vs Bleeding Risk
Patients Outcomes After Recent Index MI or ADP Blocker Discontinuation
Case 2: 74-Year-Old Woman With NSTEMI
Case 2: Discharge Medications
Intensification of Lipid Therapy?
Additional Risk Factors to Consider
Bleeding Risk Associated With Elevated GDF-15 in Ticagrelor vs Placebo-Treated Patients in PEGASUS
Reasons for and Implications of Elevated GDF-15 Level
Increased Ischemic Risk Identified: What to Consider?
COMPASS: Primary Endpoint* Rivaroxaban Plus Aspirin vs Aspirin Alone
COMPASS: Additional Outcomes
EUCLID Subgroup: Prior Revascularization
Anti-inflammatory Therapy as Secondary CVD Prevention
Case 3: 58-Year-Old Man With STEMI
Back to Basics: Adherence to Evidence-Based Strategies
LDL-C Reduction: Evidence Points to Lowest Is Best
Effects of Adding Anacetrapib to Intensive Statin Therapy
Cost-Effectiveness Associated With Emerging Strategies
Concluding Comments
Abbreviations (cont)
Abbreviations (cont)