The left hand of Pentecost Livingston United Methodist Church Feast of Pentecost
The right hand of Pentecost How many are your works O Lord! In wisdom you have made them all. The earth is full of your creatures. And they were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other languages as the Spirit enabled them. How restored people of God will continue mission of Jesus How does small movement spread so quickly?
Spiritual power God is eternally Three yet One God the Holy Spirit comes in new way Right hand of Pentecost = God gives spiritual life
Psalm 104 Psalm for Pentecost since earliest years Seems out of place Pushes Pentecost to larger spheres of faith + reality Praise to God as creator Invites thanksgiving + wonder Begins and ends = Bless the Lord O my soul Summons to praise
Part one God is creator Creation = make things exist Creation also = create order out of chaos Reliable consistency of creation God is good and loves what he creates
Part two God provides for his creatures Water + food + habitats + seasons Ecological knowledge leads to wondering praise We bear image of God Manage creation for + with God We are one creature among many Be careful about interfering with divine ecology
Part three (1) How many are your works! The Lord made them all Even sea monsters (?) like Leviathan All creatures = works of the Lord The world is not full of things The universe is filled with creatures
Part three (2) Everything depends on God for food + life God opens his hand + they are satisfied He gathers his breath and they return to dust God sends his ruach and they are created Hebrew ruach = breath… wind… Spirit Spirit of God present + active in creation and renewing creation
Left hand of Pentecost Holy Spirit present + working since beginning of time God the Holy Spirit gives physical + spiritual life With everything we see Creatures of God Depend on God Holy Spirit completes our life as creatures. Brings us true existence for which we are created. We are creation of God twice over.