Vocab Unit 6 Quiz on 2/23/18
Accede (v) to yield to; to assume an office or dignity In order to make his mom happy on her birthday, he acceded to her requests to wear a suit out to dinner.
Brandish (v) to wave or flourish in a menacing or vigorous way The warrior brandished his sword in the face of his charging enemy.
Comprise (v) to include or contain; to be made up of Defenders, midfielders, and forwards comprise our soccer team.
Deft (adj) skillful; nimble The deft musician could play any song after hearing it once.
Destitute (adj) deprived of the necessities of life; lacking in Despite growing up in a destitute household, the teenager was able to succeed and attend a prestigious university.
Explicit (adj) definite; clearly stated The teacher gave explicit directions on how the project was supposed to be completed in order to avoid any confusion.
Extirpate (v) to tear up by the roots; to destroy totally The pest control used a spray to extirpate the insects that were invading the house.
Inopportune (adj) coming at a bad time; not appropriate My car broke down when I was driving to a job interview, which was the most inopportune moment for that to happen.
Ironic (adj) suggesting an incongruity between what might be expected and what actually happens; sarcastic Her statement about people eating too much was ironic because she had just finished an entire pint of ice cream by herself.
Musty (adj) stale; moldy; out-of-date This summer my brothers helped my grandma clean out her musty attic that was full of cobwebs and bugs.
Officious (adj) meddling; excessively forward in offering services or assuming authority The officious stranger tried to offer advice and join the private conversation I was having with my mom about my problems.
Ominous (adj) unfavorable; threatening; of bad omen He saw 13 black cats in one day and took it as an ominous sign that something bad would happen to him soon.
Pinnacle (n) a high peak or point Getting voted ASB president was a pinnacle of the student’s high school career.
Premeditated (adj) considered beforehand; deliberately planned Their plan to surprise their friend at the airport was premeditated and took a lot of coordination between different people.
Rampant (adj) growing without check; running wild The rampant toddlers were running around and throwing sand at the playground without any of their parents telling them to stop.
Solace (n) comfort; relief (v) to comfort, console Some people seek solace at the beach and they go there to relax. The tea and cookies solaced my friend who was going through a hard time.
Stately (adj) dignified; majestic Her outfit was quiet stately and appropriate for the royal wedding.
Supple (adj) bending easily; readily adaptable The supple yoga instructor was able to bend in ways that I could never dream of moving my body.
Suppress (v) to stop by force I tried to suppress my sneeze, but it ended up coming out louder than normal.
Venal (adj) open to or marked by bribery or corruption The venal politician accepted favors and bribes from people.