2012 LSCOBA Global Reunion & World Conference Plenary Session #C: - Building a sustainable Global Reunion Presenter: Victor Leung President of LSCOBA-Vancouver 2018/12/6
GR Mission Statement Jointly develop a future sustainable Global Reunion organization structure that will meet the dynamic demographic changes of old boys participating in the Reunion. 2018/12/6
Traditional Reunion Format Biennial rotation Rotating between different major OBA chapters (@ 2nd Round rotation) Three key activities: Conference Soccer Tournament Finale Dinner Optional side-activities: Golf tournament Local side-tour 2018/12/6
Current Challenges Age difference among members: Different expectations & interests Different financial background Wide-spread demographic: OBA Chapters beyond North America Limited resources from some OBA Chapters: Size difference Age difference 2018/12/6
Decision Time Local, GA, or joint led event planning Funding Resources Future conference format Future soccer tournament format Side-activities: necessity or optional 2018/12/6
GR Planning Timeline Venue selection GR macro planning Conference topic selection Online forum Soccer tournament planning Other activities planning GR function 2018/12/6
Venue Selection Short list and/or selected by local host Contract negotiation by local or GA rep 2018/12/6 7
Conference Resource: Online vs face-to-face Lost steam from traditional online forum Older OBs are not comfortable with IT technology Continue vs reduce to smaller scale GA summit ? Resource: May be undertaken remotely via GA with exception of face-to-face conference. 2018/12/6
Soccer Tournament Conflict: Elite + Senior League: Mission Impossible Team approach vs drop-in Challenges: Young capable players are diminishing Old players have $ but lack energy Young players have energy but need $ to assist traveling Solutions: Pre-agreeable format with assigned GA soccer focal Substitute with other sports events 2018/12/6 9
Side Activities Golf: Must have vs optional? Managed by local host Side trips: Difficult to organize- optional? Need to get buy-in from all grad years 2018/12/6 10
Funding Problem for smaller chapters Local responsibility vs joint shared VIP: Local matters vs GA decision Selection criteria Funding? 2018/12/6 11
Open discussions 2018/12/6