Senior English 2/13/17 When Victor visits the site of Williams death he says, “ I had turned loose into the world a depraved wretch, whose delight was in carnage and misery.” Do you agree? Why can’t the bank keep a secret? Gardyloo – Archaic warning cry made when waste water was tossed out the window. Goals – Discuss and take notes on Psychoanalytical Lens. Discuss chapters 16 and 17. Homework – Chapters 18 and 19. Do questions with quotes for discussion tomorrow. Don’t forget to study for vocab. 18 on Friday. Because there are too many tellers.
Senior English 2/14/17 After Victor decides about the creature’s request, how does Victor appear and respond to his family when he returns home? What did one wall say to the other? Golter-yeded gawpsheet – old English insult, the meaning has been lost. Goals – Discuss and take notes on Feminist Lens. Discuss questions from chapter 18 and 19. Homework – Read and answer questions from chapter 20. Meet you at the corner.
Senior English 2/15/17 Ice day. How many Amish does it take to screw in a light bulb? Jobjam, dobdab – sounds like swearing but isn’t. Goals – Discuss and take notes on Marxist Lens. Discuss questions from Chapter 20. Homework – Chapter 21 What is a light bulb
Senior English 2/16/17 In chapter 20, summarize the situation on Walton’s ship. Analyze why Walton decides to take the ship south. How many Amish does it take to screw in a light bulb? Jobjam, dobdab – sounds like swearing but isn’t. Goals – Discuss and take notes on Marxist Lens. Discuss questions from Chapter 20. Homework – Chapter 21.
Senior English 2/16/17 Five minutes to prepare for vocab. #18. What do you get when you cross a dyslexic agnostic with an insomniac? Lewdster – a lecher, one given to illegal pleasures. Goals – Complete vocabulary #18. Introduce vocabulary 19. Homework – Chapter 22,23,24. Someone who lies wake at night wondering whether there is a dog.