More than just Play-doh The writing process More than just Play-doh
Review Discuss with a partner: What did you think about the activity yesterday? How did it help you learn about the writing process more than just notes?
What did we learn? How is a writer like a sculptor? What are the 2 parts of a writer? What is the process a writer goes through to produce a final piece?
Creator vs critic A writer is made up of two people: the creator and the critic Creator: Comes up with ideas Appears during pre-writing Works together with the critic in the later stages Critic: Shows up during the first draft, revision, and editing stages Should be pushed away during pre-writing stages Helps refine and add details to final product.
Stages of the Writing process STAGE 1:PREWRITING: The creator is working! You come up with lots of ideas and get them on paper You don’t use your critic Shouldn’t get the first idea and then stop…..LOTS OF IDEAS!
Stages of the writing process STAGE 2: FIRST DRAFT Take all the best ideas from prewriting and combine This will turn into your final product It doesn’t have to be perfect NOTE: YOU WILL HAVE A SECOND AND POSSIBLY A THIRD DRAFT AS WELL BUT THE FIRST DRAFT IS CRITICAL
STAGES OF THE WRITING PROCESS STAGE 3: REVISION Read your first draft several times Refine it: add more details, vivid verbs and adjectives, etc (WE AREN’T EDITING BUT JUST REFINING!! Have a friend review (2 sets of eyes are better than one!) REMEMBER: The friend will give you CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM to help with your paper BUT you don’t have to take their ideas
Stages of the writing process STAGE 4: EDITING Look for the details! Spelling, grammar, punctuation Putting the finishing touches on the paper Take ideas from other people to add more zest!
Stages of the writing process STAGE 5: FINAL PRODUCT This is it! Your final product should have been revised and edited and polished. Don’t worry if you see a revision right before you turn it in….that is the sign of a good writer.