Presented by: Divya Muppaneni Portable Compiler Optimisation Across Embedded Programs and Micro-architectures using Machine Learning Christophe Dubach Grigori Fursin Michael F.P. O’Boyle Timothy M.Jones INRIA Saclay University of Edwin V. Bonilla Edinburgh University of Edinburgh Presented by: Divya Muppaneni Dept of Computer & Information Sciences University of Delaware
Motivation Compiler Optimization It is the process of tuning the output of a compiler to minimize or maximize some attribute of an executable computer program. Difficulties in building an optimizing compiler
Portable Compiler Addressing the problem Developing a portable optimizing compiler Approach Machine Learning
Model Generating the Training data
Model(Contd) Building the Model To learn the model we need to fit a probability distribution over good optimization passes to each training program/micro-architecture. Input Output Arch Desc M1 Perf Cntr P1 Prob.Dist for Opts
Experimental Setup Benchmark MiBench Microarchitecture Space 35 MiBench programs Microarchitecture Space XScale processor 200 micro-architectural configurations Compiler Optimisation Space 1000 different optimizations
Characterising the compiler space Distribution of the maximum speedup available across all micro- architectures on a per –program basis.
Evaluation Methodology Cross Validation Leave-one-out cross validation Best Performance Achievable
Evaluation Methodology Program/Microarchitecture Optimisation Space
Evaluation Methodology Evaluation Across Programs
Evaluation Methodology Evaluation Across Microarchitectures
Results Program Impact on Optimisations
Results(Contd) Microarchitecture Impact on Optimisations
Results(Contd) Extending the Microarchitectural Space
Conclusion Conclusion Future Work Reduce the training cost. Average speedup of 1.16X over the highest default optimization level across the 200 micro-architectural configurations was achieved. Future Work Reduce the training cost.