Tiered Instruction Unit US PLC
Tiered Instruction It is an adaptation of Layered Instruction Bases work on lowering levels of cognitive load while driving higher learning based on Bloom’s Taxonomy Allows students choice while ensuring that students interact with all important information in the unit
Benefits Encourages student choice Pushes students to use more evaluative thinking and fostering of self discovery while touching on a wide range of Historical Skills Allows for easy differentiation Provides the teacher an efficient way to formatively assess all students in the class
How to Implement The first day will be focused on accomplishing the following tasks: Covering the Tier 3 assessments (allows for students to plan which assessment they will choose) Brief overviews of tasks to be completed (Note mandatory tasks at this point) Discuss point benchmarks per week (Will go in as weekly grades) Allow students to begin exploration
Point Breakdown All point values are based on a 100 point unit. The weights of assessments and classwork can still reflect the percentages required in your section The point break down is as follows Tier 1: 5 total tasks for 30 unit points (6 points per) Tier 2: 4 total tasks for 40 unit points (10 points per) Tier 3: 1 task for 30 unit points (30 points per)
Class Discussion Done once a day for about 10 minutes (before student work time) One of the biggest changes will be the static note taking Students will have to analyze information from class discussion and create notes around it based on given prompts Models Cornell Note Taking (Side columns and essential questions) Different parts of the lesson will prompt students to “create the content” Manufacture definitions and analysis based on group discussions
Student Work Time Students will have anywhere from 25-35 minutes to work on their work Teacher circulates the room to check work/assess for mastery/sign off on rubric As students complete their work, you can assign them to assist others around them You can pair up students to work collaboratively as well