Vocabulary Initiative- First step for citizens to force a vote on an issue, usually involves a petition Referendum- Act of citizens voting on a new or changed law Tuition vouchers- Public funding that allows students to private schools Zoning Laws- Determine the kind and location of structures that may be built Extra territorial jurisdiction- Controversy where cities are expanding that involves annexation Town Meeting- Town members meet to discuss solutions to problems Public Hearing- Allow citizens to attend but must request to voice opinions Public Forum- Conducted to allow citizens to voice their opinions
Warm up? What power do Senators have to delay a vote on a bill? Filibuster
Conflicts and Local Government
Issues Budget Issues Zoning issues How local governments should spend money and how citizens should be taxed Zoning issues Conflict between business interest and residential/historic areas. Zoning Laws Determine what kind of structures can be built, where they may be built, and what standards they must meet
Extra Territorial Jurisdiction Issue for communities where cities are growing and wanting to expand Involves annexation Cities expand into previously independent areas Why is this controversial? Some citizens like being included because they are able to take advantage of a cities infrastructure (utilities, sewage, water) and services (police, fire and waste management) These services mean higher taxes
Public Discussion Local governments address issues in the following ways: Town Meetings Smaller towns meet to discuss solutions Public Hearing Held by city councils and county commissions Citizens can attend and request to be heard Public Forums Conducted specifically for the purpose of allowing citizens to voice their opinion
Citizens, Politics and the Media What is the most common way citizens voice their opinions? Voting If citizens believe officials are failing to perform the duties of their office they can hold what kind of election? Recall election
Local Initiative Local Referendum Enough citizens in a city, town , etc. sign a petition forcing a vote on an issue Local Referendum A community is asked to vote on a new or changed law What can citizens join if they feel very strongly about an issue and want to make a difference? Interest Group (MADD, The Sierra Club, NRA) Want to influence public policy (laws)
Schooling Democrats argue that funding for public schools should be increased, Republicans voice support for: Tuition vouchers Students may attend private schools with the help of public funding Charter schools
What are examples of electronic media? How do most people stay informed about issues? Where do they get their info. From? The Media What are examples of electronic media? TV, Radio, Internet
reflection How can Senators delay a vote for a Bill that they disagree with? What issues do local communities face? In what ways do local governments address issues? What is the most common way citizens voice their opinions? If citizens believe a government official is failing to perform duties required of office, what kind of election can be held? What conflict occurs between Democrats and Republicans in regard to schooling?
Closing? What is the main difference between a public hearing and a public forum? At a Public Hearing you must request to be heard. The purpose of a Public Forum is to allow citizens to voice their opinion.