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Using Visual Studio and Blend to build Beautiful Universal Applications Nick Randolph WPD307
Overview Application Structure XAML Resources Shared XAML Lists and Grids XAML Tips and Tricks
Application Structure
Separation of Concerns Why do I still need PCLs? How much reuse can I get? Do I need an MVVM Framework? Where does navigation belong? Separation of Concerns UX/UI v’s Business Logic MVVM PCLs v’s Shared Projects Other Platforms
Navigation and Pages Forward and Back Navigation Page Hierarchy Screen Size and Resolution
Build me an app! Nick Randolph Getting Started with MVVMCross and Visual Studio Online APIs
XAML Resources
What’s a Resource “XAML entity referenced by key” Common: Colors, Brushes, Styles, Templates……… Where can I define a resource?
Defining resources Nick Randolph Using styles to group and reuse property values Defining control, page and application resources
Shared XAML
Sharing XAML for Windows Platform Shared Page Shared Controls Platform Specific Controls, Styles or Templates
Shared Resources Nick Randolph Creating shared pages and layout Creating shared and platform specific resources
Lists and Grids
Basics: ListView and GridView ItemTemplate How each item is presented ItemsPanel How items relates to adjacent items ItemContainerStyle How items behave when interacted with
ListView and GridView Grouping Grouped items CollectionViewSource – IsGrouped GroupStyle
Advanced: ListView and GridView Non-homogenous items ItemsTemplateSelector Custom Behaviour ListViewItemExpanded Animations
Templating Lists and Grids Nick Randolph Defining templates and grouping
XAML Tips and Tricks
Designing Use Blend Use Design time data Use Visual States
Development Lifecycle Converting wireframes to application structure Using visual designs as templates
Polish Icons and Splashscreens Alignment Pixel Perfect
Designing with Blend Nick Randolph Design time data and layout development in Blend
Summary Application structure XAML resources Grids and lists Final application polish
Questions Nick Randolph @btroam skype:nick_randolph
12/6/2018 2:46 AM Related content WPD304 Building and Migrating Modern Enterprise Line of Business Applications WPD305 Windows Universal Apps - A Native Cross Platform Experience WPD206 What's New in Windows Phone 8.1 WPD203 Choosing a X-Platform Dev Strategy WPD410 Xamarin with a View © 2013 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Windows, and other product names are or may be registered trademarks and/or trademarks in the U.S. and/or other countries. The information herein is for informational purposes only and represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation as of the date of this presentation. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information provided after the date of this presentation. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.
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