Media & Interest Groups MIG What are Interest Groups?
IG’s vs. Parties Interest Groups (aka Special Interests) Private org designed to influence public policy (laws) NOT political parties: Do not nominate candidates for office (but may support them) Influence gov from the outside, not from within Represent a small # of issues IG often require dues / formal admission
Why do people join IG’s? Solidarity Incentive: Material Incentive: Purposive Incentive Free Rider Problem
Types of IG’s Economic Groups – majority Businesses: represent the owners Chamber of Commerce Labor: represent the workers AFL-CIO – largest worker union Professional: represent pro. Groups American Medical Association NEA
Economic Groups Agricultural: represent farmers The National Grange Corporations: large businesses General Motors
Public Interest Groups Causes ACLU NRA Sierra Club Groups VFW NOW Sierra Club Groups VFW NOW
Common Cause / Collective Good League of Women Voters C. Religion Christian Coalition Common Cause / Collective Good League of Women Voters Single Issue – groups are growing in number NARAL Natl Right to Life
EX: Governors are begging fed gov to give them stimulus $$ 3. Government Mayors, Governors EX: Governors are begging fed gov to give them stimulus $$
With so many groups competing for power, does any one group have a large influence on gov? Pluralism
IG Homework: pick 3 IGs Name of IG and overall purpose. What are 3 things you see on their homepage? What do you have to do to join? Do you get anything for joining? Is the incentive solidarity, material, or purposive? Explain. Find one issue that the group is focusing on. What’s the issue and how are they trying to get it changed or resolved? How do they try to get you involved? Would join one of these groups? Explain.
Other Groups MADD AARP NEA Rutherford Institute Am Bar Assoc Chamber of Commerce NCLR