Essay Modes: Different kinds of essays… Narration • Cause & Effect Description • Comparison & Illustration Contrast Process Analysis • Persuasion Classification Definition
The Narrative Essay A narrative essay tells a story… It can be either fictional or real-life. The more “real” it is for you, the better you will tell it. (Sometimes our imaginations are more real to us than our daily lives.)
The Descriptive Essay A descriptive essay paints a picture with words… It appeals to the senses: sight, hearing, taste, touch and smell. It can also appeal to emotions.
The Illustration Essay In an illustration essay, you give examples of your topic. Examples are very helpful to readers who may be unfamiliar with your subject.
The Process Analysis Essay Process Analysis is a “how to do it” essay. You show in words how to get something done: what the steps are from beginning to end. Finally, you tell what you will have when the process is finished.
The Classification Essay A classification essay breaks down a general subject into classes (categories or groups.) You can classify either things or ideas. You decide how you will classify your topic, but always go from general to specific.
The Definition Essay A definition essay gives the meaning of a word, term or concept. The denotation of a word is its dictionary definition. The connotation of a word is its informal or slang meaning in daily usage.
The Cause & Effect Essay A cause & effect essay tells how things affect each other; how they depend on each other. An effect may have one cause or several different clauses.
The Comparison-Contrast Essay Comparison tells how things are alike and contrast shows how they are different. In this essay, you normally show either comparison or contrast, but you can tell both if you want.
The Persuasive Essay In the persuasive essay, you are writing to get your audience to accept your point of view and think like you do. This is the primary essay with which we will work.