Creating Advertisements CSC020, Computer Graphics Creating Advertisements 1
Creating an Advertisement Those annoying (yet effective) banner ads 2
Creating an Advertisement Create a new document Select the rectangle tool Draw a 728px x 90px rectangle Fill with darker shade of grey Stroke = none 3
Creating an Advertisement Draw a green circle Remove the unwanted section Select both objects Choose shapebuilder tool Move the cursor over the circle part outside the rectangle Hold the “alt” key and click 4
Adding Highlights Copy this shape (command c / command v) Reduce its width Change it to a different shade of green 5
Adding Simple Logo Add text Font type matters No Chalkboard or Comic Sans 6
Manual Shadow Creation Copy and paste (command c / command v) Change the text fill to white Move down one step to make shadow 7
Defining White Space Add the line Breaks up text blocks 8
Creating an Advertisement Add subtext Copy and paste Change the text fill to white Move down one step to make shadow 9
Creating an Advertisement Add the offer text For consistency, color should be same as circle 10
Creating an Advertisement Add the sub text 11
Creating an Advertisement Find a money bundle icon WATCH USAGE RIGHTS Select Images Select Usage Rights 12
Creating an Advertisement To outline - use photoshop Magnetic lasso Drag n drop Duplicate & rotate to make piles 13
Creating an Advertisement Find a device icon WATCH USAGE RIGHTS 14
Creating an Advertisement Add Call to Action button Rounded rectangle 136 x 40 Duplicate & change fill & drop one step 15
Creating an Advertisement Add Call to Action button Rounded rectangle 136 x 40 Duplicate & change fill & drop one step 16
Creating an Advertisement Add subtext Copy and paste Change the text fill to white Move down one step to make shadow 17